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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.

Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow

Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow

Click image above or here

For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.

News of the Imbalance September – October 2013

Thomas Sheridans - The “Brand” New Purple Pill [Subscribers]
Red Ice Members, 31st October 2013
Thomas Sheridan is an artist, writer and musician from Ireland. He is the author of Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath and The Anvil of the Psyche. We'll discuss Russell Brand's interview on British Brain Control (BBC) where he advocated a SOCIALIST EGALITARIAN system based on the massive redistribution of wealth to solve today's political problems. We'll talk about why a socialist egalitarian system will most definitely not solve problems or free the people. Thomas explains how Russell Brand, the arm chair socialist, is not waking people up. Brand is put on the TV screens to placate the ones already 'awake', and to put you back to sleep in the belief that this is some kind of victory. It's isn't - it is showbiz being used as a social engineering tool yet again. We'll talk about Brand's connections, including The New Statesman, started by the Fabian Society, the London School of Economics, symbolism around him and his ideas of a new age collective utopia. We address the true problem and talk about the real solution. In the second hour, Sheridan explains his analogy of the socially acceptable "Brand new purple pill," the third option now available. He speaks about how various movements have been taken, co-opted and watered down to dampen the truth. Then, we get into the idea of forced wealth redistribution vs. voluntary giving in a truly free society and other crimes against nature in a socialist egalitarian system. Later, we speak about the oxytocin effects of celebrity and powerful elite that can create hysteria.

I decided to have a break and listen to some Red Ice Radio shows that would elaborate on the fuss concerning the opinions of the jumped-up celebrity Russell Brand. I first listened to a subscribers only commentary with Henrik Palmgren and Lana and quite frankly, I have never heard Henrik so upset, see Russell Brand's Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - October 27, 2013. Whilst spitting feathers, he made it quite clear that Brand is an idiot. Next, I listened to the above show and was overjoyed to discover Thomas Sheridan's analysis which has helped to restore my faith that there are more people about who can think and integrate information. I was thrilled with his cool calm analysis and his downright spiritual perspective. Based on his efforts and his current track record, as far as I am concerned, this guy is sheer class. He talked about stuff that I have never heard anyone mention along the lines of my analysis in the book review, Virus of the Mind. Brand rallying the New Age/alternative/conspiracy theorist demographic is like shooting fish in a barrel. A few well chosen buzz words and they jump to attention. In my opinion, Brand has gone after the weakest, most gullible and most fanatical no-minds. For a long time, I have been pointing out just how poisoned the cultic milieu has become and where many appear to be on the cult brainwashing scale, as denoted by psychologists and social scientists, see Comatose: Understanding the condition of 'conditioned' followers Thus it is a relief to find Thomas Sheridan who has done the analysis and come up with the same but obvious conclusions.

The scary Halloween solar storm of 2003: a warning for today’s space weather
Washington Post, 31st October 2013
Ten years ago, the sun provided an unexpected extra dimension to the tricks and treats of Halloween. The trick was a solar-terrestrial nightmare coming to life. The treat was a spectacular aurora “with green phantom ‘northern lights’ seen as far south as Texas and Florida“.

The solar storm or coronal mass ejection (CME) responsible for this event occurred well after the peak of Solar Cycle 23 in April 2000. It followed months of quiet solar activity characteristic of the waning phase of an average solar cycle. The quiet period ended abruptly and without warning in mid-October with series of solar storms that extended through much of November. [...]

The leading edge of the Halloween CME impacted the Earth’s magnetic field on October 29. It produced a G5 (“extreme”) geomagnetic storm which lasted for twenty seven hours.

This CME had the potential to threaten life as we know it. Such a worst case scenario (as discussed here) would have required the CME to strike with its magnetic field directly opposed to the Earth’s (like the north pole and south pole of a bar magnet). Fortunately, that was not the case. By pure chance, the alignment of the fields were off by just 20 degrees as indicated by sudden changes in simple compass measurements in Alaska. Consequently, geomagnetically induced electrical currents and associated effects were not as large as they might have been.

Here, the article provides us with some detail concerning how the citizens of Earth in 2003 narrowly avoided a major Carrington level category 5 geomagnetic storm. Amongst a volley of CMEs, space scientists have identified one that arrived that did not quite have the punch due to its magnetic configuration, to do the real serious damage, but that was just a matter of chance. Thus, the article outlines why there is concern amongst the few in the know that we are now living on borrowed time and why the citizens of Earth are now vulnerable to a devastating blow that could knock us back into the Middle Ages. Just in 4.11.2013: Another huge blast on the farside of the sun link.

Article in Nature says global warming will increase biological diversity and species numbers
The Hockey Schtick, 30th October 2013
An article published online today in Nature says that global warming will raise biological diversity and that recent gains in species numbers associated with climate warming could more than balance species losses.
The Anthropocene could raise biological diversity

Humanity has wrought an age of ecological transformations. It is time to rethink our irrational dislike of invading species, argues Chris D. Thomas. [...]

Climate change also tends to boost regional diversity, because diversity increases with temperature and precipitation, both of which are rising (on average, but not everywhere). Global-diversity gradients dictate that more warm-adapted species are available to colonize new areas than cold-adapted species retreat from those areas as the climate warms.

Evolutionary origination is also accelerating. Populations and species have begun to evolve, diverge, hybridize and even speciate in new man-made surroundings. Evolutionary divergence will eventually generate large numbers of sister species on the continents and islands to which single species have been introduced. [...]

Rather than the catastrophic declines often portrayed, empirical evidence points to ecological increases in the number of terrestrial species in most of the world’s regions over recent decades and centuries, even though the total number of species on the planet is declining.

The Nature article title is trying to make us believe that biological diversity is being driven by human activity but it actually says there is a direct association with climate change and what scientists really mean is changes in the environment. FACT. This admission has to be compared to the initial knee-jerk reaction that climate change means mass extinction, the problem being the evidence has not been forthcoming... As I have been saying for a long time, we are witnessing massive evolutionary change. Only some changes are being seen by scientists, as some species have short reproduction cycles. Longer cycles like that of humans are harder to guage, but it might explain the need for DNA databases monitoring for the appearance of new human genetics.... The image icon used here is the 'bizarre' panda bat that I think implies universal consciousness has a bit of a sense of humour...

Bolts Out of Thin Air
Thunderbolts, 31st October 2013
The discovery of ‘mega-lightning’, upper-atmospheric lightning or transient luminous events (TLEs) is relatively recent, due to the fleeting nature of these phenomena: most last no longer than a few milliseconds.

A menagerie of types – such as the playfully labelled ‘sprites’ and ‘ELVES’ – discharge energetically between the ionosphere and cloud cover, thus completing electrical circuits between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface via ordinary lightning. [...]

A remarkable visual similarity joins sprites of all stripes, but especially the carrot, to the classic bilobate representation of the sacred ‘thunderbolt’ in ancient Mesopotamian and Neo-Hittite art, the Graeco-Roman world and India. In these cultures, the iconic symbol of the ‘thunderbolt’ is quite at odds with the familiar appearance of terrestrial lightning.

I just love Rens van der Sluijs's work integrating electric universe theory, modern day observations, ancient knowledge and mythology... Based on ancient depictions of sprites, we can presume that in the past, this atmospheric phenomena was much more prevalent. Today, the acknowledgement of transient luminous events after decades of denial, may be more solid proof it is related to the recent increase in energy levels on this planet.

Major solar flare reaching X2.3 erupted from AR 1875, 30th October 2013
ANOTHER X-FLARE: Consider it a parting shot. Just before sunspot AR1875 rotated over the sun's western limb on Oct. 29th, it unleashed a powerful X2-class solar flare. NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion's extreme ultraviolet flash:

X-rays and UV radiation from the flare ionized the top of our planet's atmosphere. Waves of ionization disturbed the normal propagation of radio waves over the Americas and the Pacific, and may have caused an HF communications blackout over the poles.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded a bright CME emerging from the blast site. Given the sunspot's location on sun's western limb, however, it is unlikely the CME will reach our planet. Analysts at NOAA are busy evaluating the possibility of a glancing blow in the days ahead.

I still think this activity needs to ramp up a lot more before we should be really concerned, but who knows? The sun is very unpredictable these days.

Naomi Klein: How science is telling us all to revolt
Is our relentless quest for economic growth killing the planet? Climate scientists have seen the data – and they are coming to some incendiary conclusions.
New Statesman, 29th October 2013
In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco. [...]

But it was Werner’s own session that was attracting much of the buzz. It was titled “Is Earth F**ked?” (full title: “Is Earth F**ked? Dynamical Futility of Global Environmental Management and Possibilities for Sustainability via Direct Action Activism”). [...]

But the bottom line was clear enough: global capitalism has made the depletion of resources so rapid, convenient and barrier-free that “earth-human systems” are becoming dangerously unstable in response. When pressed by a journalist for a clear answer on the “are we f**ked” question, Werner set the jargon aside and replied, “More or less.”

A few with well above average intelligence realise that the current economic modus operandi is unsustainable and the whole of humanity is under threat, but this is still a lie sandwich. The "bread" that is used at the beginning and end of this article states economic forces are destroying earth-human systems, but the meat tries to imply climate change is worth getting arrested for, almost like a cut and pasted standard fearmongering warmist piece... Anyway, the only real solution is introducing 'free' energy (energy from space/aether and cars driven on hydrogen, sustainable living etc etc), but controllers and predators would rather make the planet inhabitable first or force vast numbers of the masses into servitude and destitution and leave a very exclusive and rich elite. The only problem there is the control mechanisms for the elite are also quickly ebbing away...

UN aims to fight asteroids, creates a global warning network
L.A. Times, 28th October 2013
Even the United Nations is taking the threat of asteroids hitting our planet seriously.

Last week, the U.N. General Assembly approved measures to coordinate detection and response to asteroid strikes that could level cities and possibly destroy our civilization.

Specifically, the agency voted to create an International Asteroid Warning Network made up of scientists, observatories and space agencies around the planet to share information about newly discovered asteroids and how likely they are to impact Earth. The group will also work with disaster relief organizations to help them determine the best response to an asteroid impact like the one that rattled the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in February.

I hope the irony of a GLOBAL WARNING network is not lost on those who realised quite some time ago that space climate change is something serious that cannot be ignored.

The Piers Corbyn Storm of Oct 2013, the most serious in Britain/Ireland, N/W France and the Low Countries for decades, was predicted - in detail to within one day from 6 weeks ahead., 28th October 2013
The Piers Corbyn Storm of Oct 2013, the most serious in Britain/Ireland, N/W France and the Low Countries for decades, was predicted - in detail to within one day from 6 weeks ahead - by Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction see [...]

Piers says: "We are very pleased with our success - which follows on confirmed success for significant 'warm-up' storms of major rain/flooding and/or severe gales/storms this month on 17/18th mainly in Ireland and 21-23rd (208th Anniversary of the 'Trafalgar Night Storm') - See ; and confirms the superiority of our solar-lunar based forecasting science for such extremes above all other methods.

I would just like to add my congratulations to Piers Corbyn.... I am just grateful that those of us with some discernment, are not completely at the mercy of the UK Met. Office. As Piers Corbyn can prove, forecasting the weather has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with the influence of the sun and moon on the planets atmospheric systems, with a new fix applied for worsening space weather conditions and events. For those amongst the 260,000 who lost their power and those who are still withour power 48 hours later, too bad... This is only a little taste of what's to come as the UK authorities have already warned, as power supply has been engineered to get very flaky in the near future... Btw, according to the whispers on this blog, Piers is forecasting another major storm threat for this weekend that will affect the south of the UK. I have no details of other countries that may be affected as I am not a weatheraction subscriber, but Piers seems to excel at forecasting bad weather.

A new mission designed to study the Sun’s electrical relationship with Mars will soon be launched.
Thunderbolts News, 28th October 2013
Sometime in the morning a few months from now, between November 18 and December 7, 2013, NASA will launch the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission. Otherwise known as MAVEN, the project will investigate the upper atmosphere of Mars, the ionosphere, and the dynamics of solar wind interactions.

Onboard the spacecraft will be several instruments to monitor various phenomena that could provide valuable information to Electric Universe investigators:

Things are really changing quickly in our little solar system... I think fairly soon we are going to be told the atmosphere of Mars is now highly electrified... Maybe, NASA are already trying to work out how to spin the news...

As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media
Guardian, 25th October 2013
With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed

The most under-discussed aspect of the NSA story has long been its international scope. That all changed this week as both Germany and France exploded with anger over new revelations about pervasive NSA surveillance on their population and democratically elected leaders.

It looks like the game is up... The biggest laugh is the new NSA data centre that keeps blowing up with too much electric current (GICS). Well, I think the NSA problems - trying to control the world through spying and blackmail, but not enough people willing to turn a blind eye - are symptomatic of the signs of the times...
  • Google and Yahoo furious at reports NSA secretly taps data centres
    Files obtained from Edward Snowden suggest NSA can collect information sent by fibre optic cable between Google and Yahoo data hubs 'at will'
    The Guardian, 31st October 2013
    Google and Yahoo, two of the world's biggest tech companies, reacted angrily to a report on Wednesday that the National Security Agency has secretly intercepted the main communication links that carry their users' data around the world.

    I suppose they can't afford not to be outraged...

  • NSA stores data to target any citizen at any time - Greenwald
    RT News, 30th October 2013
    The current revelations on the NSA’s spying are just the tip of the iceberg and affect “almost every country in the world,” said Glenn Greenwald. He stressed the NSA stores data for “as long as it can,” so they can target a citizen whenever they want.

    This is basically a major blackmailing operation... and just typical of how predators operate.

Business majors and children of divorce are the biggest liars
Quartz, 25th October 2013
A new Canadian study concludes that the people most likely to lie for monetary gain are the children of divorce, business majors, and—perhaps most surprisingly—the religious. [...]

Men and women did not differ significantly, while the children of divorce took the lead spot in duplicity, electing to lie to their partners at a rate 29.3% higher than the group average. Next up were the business majors with a rate of lying that was 18.1% higher than all the other majors combined. “It could be that these students are more prone to lying by nature or training,” writes Childs. “It could also be that individuals strongly motivated by financial returns, and therefore more likely to lie for a monetary payoff, are more likely to pursue an education in business.”

What’s more, the researchers found that one’s likelihood for lying was directly proportional to reported religiosity and that their small sample of children raised by single parents (who separated amicably or were single due to death of a spouse) was significantly (39%) less likely to lie for financial gain.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these types of articles don't provide much in the way of teaching about basic principles. Lying frauds pretending to be highly spiritual and/or religious have been a major subject of interest for over 30 years. It began when I started researching the history of the Catholic Church and my most recent education has been due to my experiences with New Agers. However, the most important principles did not come into focus until I learnt about malignant narcissists and psychopaths, people who can be hardly categorised as human. Based on what I now know, I simply don't think raw statistics helps anyone, labelling them as religious or children of the divorced or interested in business is plain misleading. For those people who have suffered at the hands of selfish greedy people who have used and abused, I recommend learning about people with personality disorders, narcissists and such like and how they operate. The revelation will keep you in good stead for the rest of your life. Once you start to recognise the modus operandi and their disguises, you have a choice to eject parasitical people out of your life.

Ancient bees could have died out with the dinosaurs, 26th October 2013
According to a new study, the unknown event that killed off the dinosaurs millions of years ago could be the same event that wiped out ancient bees as well. [...]

The study’s lead author told LiveScience, “We can track periods of diversification and stasis … There was a period where there was no genetic diversification happening for millions of years — a real dearth of speciation. This is an indication of a mass extinction event.” That period lines up almost exactly with the time scientists believe the dinosaurs disappeared. And the researchers predict 90 percent of the bee species that existed at that time went right along with them. [...]

On top of learning more about the extinction of ancient bees, scientists hope this study will help shed some light on the current decline in bee species around the world.

Well, obviously since the bees are disappearing, the dinosaurs will be going extinct too.... /sarc off

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents
Activist News, 26th October 2013
Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.

72 is a widely used esoteric number that is derived from the precessional cycle, 1 degree is about 72 years. So, I can only imagine this article is somehow intended as another pathetic rabble rousing effort. The list of people with alternative views also covers those with a thinking brain who are not particularly interested in conforming to society that is very near to total collapse. And as we have recently been informed by academia, one of the main causes of our impending demise, are the ruthless psychopathic types competing against each other and causing havoc for the rest of society.

Surviving ash trees help to address evolutionary riddle
A pathogenic fungus is killing thousands of European ash trees every year. Danish researchers are now trying to uncover the genetics behind the unknown defence mechanism in ash trees. Not only to save the ash trees, but also to address an evolutionary mystery in trees.
Science Nordic, 22nd October 2013
Since 2003, the aggressive Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus fungus has infected just about all Danish ash trees with the fungal disease ash dieback. The situation is the same across most of Europe. One by one the trees become infected with the disease, which is characterised by leaf loss and crown dieback.

Only 2-3 percent of the ash trees appear to have a defence mechanism which enables them to withstand the fungus. A research group from the University of Copenhagen is currently working intensely to figure out how these few ash trees manage to evade the disease, an ability that may be used to rescue the entire ash tree population.[...]

Study also addresses an evolutionary riddle

If the researchers manage to reveal why some of the Danish ash trees manage to resist an ash dieback fungus, they would also come one step closer to understanding some of the evolutionary mysteries regarding the immune system in trees in general.

Space Weather Causes Airline Pilots, Passengers To Be Exposed To Radiation
Red Orbit, 27th October 2013
Thanks to space weather, airline pilots absorb approximately as much radiation over the course of a year as a nuclear power plant employee, NASA officials revealed on Friday.

In fact, according to the US space agency, pilots are classified as “occupational radiation workers” by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) because they fly at heights where there is little atmosphere to protect them from cosmic rays and solar radiation.

For example, NASA officials said that during a typical polar flight from Chicago to Beijing, pilots are exposed to roughly as much radiation as if they had received a pair of chest x-rays. Over the course of their career, this can increase their risk of developing cataracts or even cancer – and passengers could also be similarly affected.

“A 100,000 mile frequent flyer gets about 20 chest x-rays,” no matter what the latitude of those flights are, explained Chris Mertens, a senior research scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Of course, even non-flyers absorb some radiation from space weather, as cosmic rays and their by-products can reach Earth’s surface and expose people at sea level to levels equal to receiving one chest x-ray approximately every 10 days. [...]

“If a flight controller wants to know the situation around the poles right now, NAIRAS can help,” they added. “It is, essentially, an online global map of radiation dose rates for different flight paths and altitudes. Maps are produced in near real-time by a computer at Langley, which combines cutting-edge physics codes with realtime measurements of solar activity and cosmic rays.”

NASA are being nice and warning frequent fliers that they are being heavily radiated when they fly. As Earth's magnetosphere and magnetic field declines in strength, the issue will occur at ground level too.

Comet Linear Surprises Astronomers, 27th October 2013
COMET LINEAR X1: The sun isn't the only thing exploding. Almost 450 million km from Earth, Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) is having its own outburst. On Oct. 20th, amateur astronomers realized that the comet's brightness had increased 100-fold and its morphology resembled that of exploding Comet 17P/Holmes in 2007. Follow-up images in recent nights seem to show jet-like structures in Comet LINEAR X1's expanding atmosphere. Amateur astronomer Nick James of Chelmsford, UK, obtained these data on Oct. 26th:

Another set of images taken by James shows the comet's atmosphere or "coma" expanding over a period of two days. "The coma's diameter is increasing at a rate of 30 arcseconds per day," says James. "At a distance of 2.95 AU this corresponds to 65,000 km/day or a little less than 1 km/s." He made these observations using an 11-inch Celestron telescope.

Could astronomers be any more embarrassed than Comet Linear exploding at twice the distance of Jupiter from the Sun [2.95 AU]? This little dud, mysteriously acquired a huge amount of energy (from the solar wind?) and lit up... The image of the cometary jets by an amateur astronomer here is interesting.

Newly-discovered monkey which purrs like a cat and other strange new creatures found in the Amazon
The Mirror, 24th October 2013
A monkey that purrs like a cat has been discovered in the depths of the Amazon rainforest. The Caquetta titi monkey is one of 441 new species discovered during the past three years by teams of scientists.

The discovery has been described by wildlife experts as "remarkable" . Scientist Thomas Defler, who was one of the team who spotted the animal in Colombia, told Sky News: "When they feel very content they purr towards each other."

As I often repeat: how do we know these are brand new species? We are living in a time of rapid evolutionary change where scientists have monitored epigenetic changes taking place in decades or about 15 generations... Some biologists are crying wolf about mass extinction but at the same time, others are pointing out lots of evidence for adaptation taking place on a wide scale. The most interesting news for evolutionists is geneticists being forced to admit the sudden miraculous appearance of 'novo' genes. Neo-Darwinism is being blown sky high... Moreover, there are many reports about the discovery of brand new species. Sigh... You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time.... Widespread evolutionary change is taking place right now!

After losing verdict, Toyota settles in sudden acceleration case
LA Times, 25th October 2013
Facing the potential of paying millions of dollars in punitive damages after losing an Oklahoma sudden acceleration lawsuit, Toyota Motor Corp. quickly reached a settlement with the plaintiffs. On Thursday, an Oklahoma City jury found that faulty electronic systems in a Camry sedan caused it to accelerate out of control and crash, killing one woman and injuring another. [...]

The decision, handed down late Thursday, marked the first time that the Japanese automaker has been found responsible for sudden acceleration in one of its cars. After a brief deliberation at the end of a nearly three-week trial, the jury decided that software in the 2005 Camry's electronic throttle system was defective and caused the accident in September 2007. [...]

Toyota still faces hundreds of personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits related to sudden acceleration.

Toyota still can't fix their cheap crappy car electronics that are being compromised by cosmic rays, so people are still being killed. Btw despite all the bad publicity, it's not only Toyota that have this same issue and we know that the authorities suspect cosmic rays because it's already a matter of public record.

Solar Activity Up!, 25th October 2013
CHANCE OF STORMS: Earth's magnetic field is about to receive a glancing blow from three CMEs observed leaving the Sun between Oct. 20th and 22nd. Forecast models suggest that the three clouds merged en route to Earth, and their combined impact could trigger a mild polar geomagnetic storm on Oct. 24-25. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

SOLAR FLARE! Solar activity is high. On October 24th at 00:30 UT, Earth-facing sunspot AR1877 erupted, producing a powerful M9-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast:

Update #1: The eruption hurled a faint CME into space and it appears to be heading toward Earth. The arrival time is not yet known.

Update #2: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has released a full-disk movie of the explosion. Play it.

More flares are in the offing. Two large sunspots, AR1875 and AR1877, have 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic fields that harbor energy for strong eruptions.

SOLAR TSUNAMI AND RADIO BURST: Sunspot AR1875 erupted on Oct. 22nd (21:20 UT), producing an impulsive M4-class solar flare and a loud burst of shortwave radio static. Amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft of New Mexico was listening at the time of the eruption. "I knew this flare was a strong one by the force of the radio shock front," he says. "It nearly lifted me out of my chair!" Click on the image to hear what emerged from the loudspeaker of his radio telescope:

The Sun has well and truly woken up as Comet ISON gets closer, but it's all a coincidence right! We have 3 CMEs merging into 1 and expected to knock Earth's magnetic field with a moderate bang... Then we have sunspots crackling with M class and even an X-class flares combined with radio noise that will generate more radio blackouts, if this intensifies we might get something significant from the Sun that does some serious damage....

Comet Linear Explodes, 25th October 2013
COMET EXPLOSION: Almost 450 million km from Earth, Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) has exploded. Amateur astronomers are reporting a 100-fold increase in the comet's brightness compared to predictions, and the comet's atmosphere or "coma" now resembles that of exploding Comet 17P/Holmes in 2007. Using a remotely-controlled 0.5 meter telescope in New Mexico, European observers Ernesto Guido, Martino Nicolini and Nick Howes took this picture of the spherical explosion on Oct 21st:

"The predicted magnitude of the comet on Oct. 20th was about +14," says Guido. "Now it is close to +8.5." This is below the threshold for naked-eye visibility, but bright enough for backyard telescopes equipped with digital cameras.

Prompted by the reports of Guido et al, Romanian amateur astronomer Maximilian Teodorescu observed the comet on Oct. 22nd, confirming its brightness and spherical structure. "It looked exactly like Comet Holmes back in 2007," says Teodorescu.

Identical to Comet Holmes that exploded when a few planets lined up with the Sun and the electrical interaction caused an energy spike that destroyed the comet's capacitance. Comets are electric, talk about deep veins of ice evaporating that can be seen glowing from three hundred million miles away is just plain stupid... [McCanney says the comet is twice the distance of Jupiter away from the Sun and amount of sunlight is equivalent to a candle at 5 miles distance...] The need for denial is comical... See the Comet Holmes gallery at There is more info at the Best of the Blog archive for Comet Holmes.

Solar Eruption Could Help Earth Prepare for Technology Melt-Down

Live Science, 16th October 2013
A sobering study published this month in Space Weather warns why we need to get better prepared for disruptive space weather events – particularly coronal mass ejections.

The current solar maximum – a period of high solar activity – is showing only a moderate amount of sunspot activity. However, recent space weather events, some of which have resulted in geomagnetic storms on Earth, have been far from insignificant.

Several solar eruptions have hurled vast amounts of solar material into space in the past year or two. One of the most impressive eevents actually narrowly missed the Earth on July 23-24 last year.

Finally, there is a whole paper on the July 2012 high speed CME that proves without doubt that the citizens of planet Earth are now playing Russian roulette with the Sun. For all the cynics out there, you have been warned... Anyone at the moment can download the scientific paper that highlights some interesting details about the process of collecting relevant space weather data. Only truly stupid people can't comprehend the significance, but stupid people are everywhere... For those who tried to say I had got this wrong.... failure to understand basics physics and then trying to put down someone with an Honours Degree in Physics and Geophysics is the hallmark of a moron.

Are Google Building a Database Centre Ark?
Is Google building a hulking floating data center in SF Bay?
It looks like Google has been working on an oversize secret project on San Francisco's Treasure Island. A water-based data center? Could well be.

CNET News, 25th October 2013
SAN FRANCISCO -- Something big and mysterious is rising from a floating barge at the end of Treasure Island, a former Navy base in the middle of San Francisco Bay. And Google's fingerprints are all over it.

It's unclear what's inside the structure, which stands about four stories high and was made with a series of modern cargo containers. The same goes for when it will be unveiled, but the big tease has already begun. Locals refer to it as the secret project.

Google did not respond to multiple requests for comment. But after going through lease agreements, tracking a contact tied to the project on LinkedIn, talking to locals on Treasure Island, and consulting with experts, it's all but certain that Google is the entity that is building the massive structure that's in plain sight, but behind tight security. [...]

Jonathan Koomey, a Stanford research fellow and expert on data centers, also said that floating data centers make sense. Although saltwater could be problematic as a cooling source, he said, it's a surmountable problem. He also said that companies like Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, and Microsoft have been installing specially built data centers in shipping containers for some time because they're easy to deploy. Google even has a patent for the concept. "It wouldn't surprise me at all," Koomey said, "if there were a bunch of containers, and it turned out to be a data center."

Perhaps more persuasive is that in 2009, Google was granted a patent for a "water-based data center," defined as a "system [that] includes a floating platform-mounted computer data center comprising a plurality of computing units, a sea-based electrical generator in electrical connection with the plurality of computing units, and one or more sea-water cooling units for providing cooling to the...computing units."

This article put a big smile on my face.... Folk with some intelligence are making their plans, whilst the vast majority with little or no interest in reality and some with a great propensity for magical thinking, carry on blissfully unaware that a major space weather event is very very likely in the near future. Thanks Google for the patent information that provides us with some hard proof of what plans are being made to try and survive a technological meltdown.
  • Mysterious floating barge in San Francisco Bay could be secret new Google Glass facility
    Yahoo News, 25th October 2013
    CNET agrees with the speculation, pointing out that Google obtained a patent for such an operation in 2009 . But why a floating data-center? They say the water provided a natural cooling center for a massive operation like this and that the water itself is also a sustainable power source.

    The patent describes such a facility as a, “system [that] includes a floating platform-mounted computer data center comprising a plurality of computing units, a sea-based electrical generator in electrical connection with the plurality of computing units, and one or more sea-water cooling units for providing cooling to the...computing units."

    There’s just one major problem: many of these same experts say Google hasn’t sought the proper permits to open any such operation.

    Of course it is meant to be floated out to sea for emergency use only...

  • Coast Guard Comments On Mysterious Google Barge
    CBS San Francisco News, 30th October 2013
    SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – Nearly a week after it was uncovered, Google is staying silent about mysterious barges off Treasure Island and in Maine. Meanwhile, KPIX 5 has received comment from the U.S. Coast Guard about the project, and has obtained details about the barges and who owns them.

    We have found at least three barges, two with container structures on them, all marked with the letters “BAL” followed by four numbers. The two barges located at Treasure Island are identified as BAL0010 and BAL0001. A similar barge in Portland, Maine is identified as BAL0011.

    The servers went into the Google ark two by two, hurrah, hurrah... LOL... I am thrilled that Google are now being reported to be building three different arks. People are racking their brains about what this all means but I think this is disaster resilience in action... The concept of arks and survival are deeply embedded into the human psyche due to the preservation of ancient knowledge in the form of mythology turned into holy scripture, so even though many would want to deny the implications at a superficial level, very few will miss the conotations at a deeper subconscious level. So, here is some info I found:
    The company has a long history of April Fool’s jokes, but we’re five months too early for that. Google is still finding room for humor in what appears to be a serious project. The barges are owned by a Delaware company called By and Large LLC, a likely reference to “Buy N Large,” a corporation in the futuristic film WALL-E. And the barge numbers are in binary code (BAL0011 in Maine, BAL0010 in San Francisco).
    Google’s crazy barge scheme: Your complete guide
    Washington Post, 30th October 2013
    N.B. Binary codes for 1,2 and 3, 0001 = 1, 0010 = 2, 0011 = 3
    Buy and Large built the spaceships that sent humans into space after life became uninhabitable on Earth.

    This is some hilarity from Lucky Charm at GLP
    • Offshore server banks... smart.
    • Sail those puppies into international waters, invoke maritime laws etc.
      Declare cyberspace to be an independent state.
    • Peoples republic of Google is born, currency is bitcoin, laws are Googles corporate policy.
    • Google becomes a "government" of sorts, capable of waging (cyber)war, buying and selling etc etc.
    • 2016 google demands a seat at the UN.
    • 2020 google goes to war against an increasingly beleaguered and aggressive United States, international community does not assist the us... red states, china and russia actively support google..
    • 2022, fall of US, rise of the cyberstate.
    • 2030 Google is worlds only superpower, acquires nuclear weapons in form of ex-US naval subs.

      I'm just talking shit for fun, but I like trying to think of alternate "future histories", the way the world could go if things happened just so. [END QUOTE]

    But folks, knowledge is power... who knows what could happen. I am just thrilled that I side-stepped the damn idiots bleating crap re: 2012 and saw the implications of space weather early... This revelation about Google's plans makes it obvious that some of the most knowledgeable and intelligent have not been idle...

  • EXCLUSIVE: They're multiplying! THIRD mystery Google barge found lurking in San Francisco bay as MailOnline takes the closest look yet at secret 'party boats'. . . followed every step of the way by security guards
    Daily Mail, 2nd November 2013
    The mystery of exactly what Google is building on a barge close to San Francisco deepened today as a MailOnline investigation uncovered a second structure being built hastily at the top secret site. The huge structure, made up of specially modified shipping containers, looks set to be identical to the first. Another, identical barge has been spotted thousands of miles away on the East Coast in Portland, Maine.

    Speculation is rampant over what the barges will be used for - with the two most likely reasons being floating showroom 'party boats' to market Google Glass or data centers that can be cooled by sea water.

    This is a piece that has been written to rubbish the idea that these are floating data centres, but it is all just pure speculation. The patent details are the best evidence we have that these Google 'ark' barges can be used for disaster recovery. Google Glass promotion is just a nice way to spin the news of this secretive project.

Wall of rock rises out of the ground in the Philippines: new fault triggered large quake
The Extinction Protocol, 24th October 2013
As the magnitude 7.2 earthquake ended on Oct. 15, residents of Sitio Kumayot in Barangay Anonang heard an explosive sound like a thunderclap. Villagers watched in horrified disbelief as the ground cracked open and, with smoke and the stench of sulphur spreading, one side started to rise. The emerging wall of rock and earth missed by a hairline the toilet of baker Menecia Bautista Aparecio, 43. “We will be living forever in fear, being so close to the fault line,” said Aparecio, who fears returning to her home and now bakes her “pan Bisaya” or “pan kinamot,” a local bread, in the village chapel.

The rock face, about three meters high and two kilometers long, raised fears among villagers that more cracks would appear on the ground and swallow them up.

Mysterious hum keeping people up all night ‘could be mating fish’
Independent News, 24th October 2013
A mysterious hum has been keeping people in Hampshire awake all night, and scientists have said there could be something fishy about it. The noise “pulsates” through homes, forcing some residents of Hythe near Southampton to evacuate the area just to get a good night’s sleep.[...]

Maria Dennett from Sholing, Southampton, said: “We regularly experience a humming noise at night. “A few times we put it down to a neighbour's washing machine or dishwasher but it's happening so frequently that we know it's not the case. “It's a really low pitched sound that literally pulsates through the house.”

This explanation is a real insult to the general public. Not even I think the general public are stupid enough to believe this nonsense. For newbies, I have already explained (search archives) about various new hums being monitored by geoscientists and sources that indicate this is just another sign of the times as Earth enters a new high energy dispensation. Even some totally disinterested folk in the UK cannot avoid some high energy Earth reality...

"Transition from Inorganic to Organic Life was Based on Information, Not Chemistry"
Daily Galaxy, 21st October 2013
In December of 2012, a radical new approach to the question of life's origin was proposed by two Arizona State University scientists that attempts to dramatically redefine the problem. The researchers – Paul Davies, an ASU Regents' Professor and director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and Sara Walker, a NASA post-doctoral fellow at the Beyond Center.

"We propose that the transition from non-life to life is unique and definable," added Davies. "We suggest that life may be characterized by its distinctive and active use of information, thus providing a roadmap to identify rigorous criteria for the emergence of life. This is in sharp contrast to a century of thought in which the transition to life has been cast as a problem of chemistry, with the goal of identifying a plausible reaction pathway from chemical mixtures to a living entity." [...]

"To a physicist or chemist life seems like 'magic matter,'" Davies explained. "It behaves in extraordinary ways that are unmatched in any other complex physical or chemical system. Such lifelike properties include autonomy, adaptability and goal-oriented behavior – the ability to harness chemical reactions to enact a pre-programmed agenda, rather than being a slave to those reactions."

I would say this is a paradigm shift... Plasma is life-like, self-regulating and self-directing... The spirtual goo of the universe... Anyway, it really does looks like scientists are biting the bullet and acknowledging the existence of mysterious non-local epigenetic information required to implement “Body Plans” and another higher level master control level that can explain sudden ‘macro-evolutionary’ events. The Intelligent Design folk are going to be cock-a-hoop with this confession.

Asteroid fear: Gaia satellite sent into space to monitor blind zone between sun and Earth
A STATE of the art satellite is being sent into space to monitor the blind zone between the Earth and the sun to warn of incoming asteroids.
Express, 20th October 2013
Astronomers have previously not been able to spot asteroids in the 'blind zone' due to radiation from the sun blocking information.

But now The European Space Agency intends to launch the Gaia Space Telescope with its key task being to monitor the area between the Earth and the sun and warn of any impending collisions.

One recent asteroid which could have been spotted as it travelled through the 'blind zone' months before it collided with the Earth, was that of the Russian asteroid of February this year which caused a spectacular fireball before smashing into Chelyabinsk, 900 miles east of Russia.

World controllers are obviously worried.

Scientists: ‘Spheres’ of radioactive material from Fukushima reported for first time — Ball-like particles composed of cesium, iron, zinc — Solid and insoluble in water — Impact on human health needs to be examined (PHOTOS)
Energy News, 24th October 2013
This study reports for the first time the presence of spherical radioactive Cs-bearing particles emitted from the FNPP during a relatively early stage (March 14-15) of the accident. The particles coexist with Fe, Zn, and possibly other elements, and their diameters are approximately 2 ?m. Because these elements were evenly distributed within the particle, we conclude that they are internally mixed and form an alloy. […] Due to its spherical shape and composition, the particle is likely solid and is largely insoluble in water. […] The spherical Cs-bearing particles likely have longer retention times on the land surface than those of the water-soluble Cs particles. The retention time of the particles in the soil or other environments needs to be reconsidered.

dosdos writes: "These probably formed from gaseous metals that combined into an alloy as they condensed into liquid, then the micro-droplets solidified while still airborne. That would indicate that the process happened well above the ground, probably in the Unit #3 explosion." The discussion of buckyballs is interesting because carbon buckyballs are coming in from space too and probably ending up in the atmosphere and oceans... It seems combining with our radiated planet to facilitate our quick demise.... Maybe that is what the true panic about removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is really about.... The public are obviously too stupid to appreciate the implications of radiation wrapped in carbon cages that protects radioactive particles for long periods of time until they hit and cause genetic damage somewhere along the line.../sarc off. Hmmmmm... another interesting proposition.... Anyway, no wonder the Americans told them to stop using seawater... The moron factor is breathtaking... Well, it's public knowledge that sperm counts across the planet are dropping... Humans controlled by the fake humans (psychopaths) are reaping the whirlwind.

Sailor’s horrific Pacific journey goes viral, smashes record — Picked up by The Guardian, USA Today, many more… All fail to mention ongoing crisis at Fukushima, by far world’s largest release of radioactivity into ocean
Energy News, 23rd October 2013

Space Junk Satellite To Fall To Earth: GOCE Update
Brevard Times, 20th October 2013
The European Space Agency estimates that a satellite weighing 2,425 pounds (1,100 kilograms) will begin its orbital decay sometime this week and then hurl back to Earth in an uncontrolled descent from an orbital height of about 139 miles (224 kilometers).

GREEN COMET, RED PLANET: Comet ISON, which will fly through the atmosphere of the sun on Nov. 28th, is now flying past the planet Mars. The green comet and the Red Planet are just 1o apart in the eastern sky before dawn. Parks Squyres photographed the odd couple from his private observatory in SaddleBrooke, Arizona, on Oct. 16th:

Mars is almost as bright as a 1st-magnitude star, easy to find in the constellation Leo near the blue star Regulus. The comet, on the other hand, is invisible to the unaided eye. Mid-sized backyard telescopes are required to see it. "I used a Celestron 11-inch telescope," says Squyres. "The image is a stack of 80 15-second exposures."

The comet is green because its vaporizing nucleus emits diatomic carbon, C2, a gas which glows green in the near-vacuum of space. Mars is red because its rocky surface is widely rusted. The two colors make a heavenly ensemble. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates, and let the exposures begin.

So, we now have acknowledgement from NASA that Mars has also lit-up like a fairy light on a Christmas tree... That did not take long at all... MARS IS A PLANET NOT A STAR, SO WHY IS IT SHINING LIKE A 1ST MAGNITUDE STAR? THIS IS SHOCKING IF YOU CAN EXCUSE THE PUN... MCCANNEY WILL LOVE THIS CONFESSION...

Illuminating Earth's mysterious gamma ray flashes
ABC Net News, 18th October 2013
Electron avalanches could be generating some of the highest energy radiation bursts ever discovered on Earth.

The study in Geophysical Research Letters, suggests bursts known as terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGF), are possibly produced by dark lightning generated by an avalanche of electrons. [...]

"In fact they're so bright, that they temporarily blind spacecraft." The flashes were originally thought to be coming from the top of Earth's atmosphere, but spacecraft measurements and energy modelling show they're coming from altitudes below 20 kilometres.

"People now know they're coming from deeper down, from thunderstorms at about the same altitudes where aircraft fly," says Dwyer. "We've been struggling to figure out how thunderstorms could generate these flashes."

Hmmm... Things are changing very quickly as the atmosphere becomes highly electrified. Check the archives, the last time there was a report it was only 500 TGFs a day around the world up from 50 per day. Now, we are being told one TGF blast per thunderstorm, the only problem with that is that NOAA claims there are as many as 40,000 thunderstorm occurrences each day world-wide. At the moment, I am struggling to believe that the scientists have got this right... So, I am wondering if these blasts are being blamed as laser pen attacks on pilots and therefore they are not all being generated by delinquents with laser pens, see Laser pointer attacks on airplane pilots have jumped 1100% since 2005... We have the confession that they are blinding satellites but no confession that they are blinding pilots for obvious reasons... The comment "a half-dozen ways a thunderstorm can hurt you" is not generally elaborated upon in the media either...

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates
The Guardian, 21st October 2013
[...] Japan's under-40s appear to be losing interest in conventional relationships. Millions aren't even dating, and increasing numbers can't be bothered with sex. For their government, "celibacy syndrome" is part of a looming national catastrophe. Japan already has one of the world's lowest birth rates. Its population of 126 million, which has been shrinking for the past decade, is projected to plunge a further one-third by 2060. Aoyama believes the country is experiencing "a flight from human intimacy" – and it's partly the government's fault.

It's all going to hell in Japan... I suppose this is what happens in a technology focused society that has become pathological... The psychopaths want to turn humans into robots that is a fact ask Sam Vaknin and any top psychologist, but this mentality on Earth means inevitable extinction... Besides that, why would anyone want to have children in such a highly radioactive environment? I also wonder: how are the psychopaths in government coping with the realisation they have destroyed Japan and are now supervising their own end? Update: Some people think the associated documentary and articles about this are covering up young people dying of cancer, lots of pregancies being aborted, badly disfigured babies being killed at birth etc etc. These continuus accusations are by a few who will not shut up about how bad things are in Japan.

The Real Cause of Andrew Cohen's Dilemma: Part I: Andrew Cohen following Fatefully in Ken Wilber's Egosteps
Integral World News, 16th October 2013
Abstract: There has been a lot of discussion recently about Neo-Advaita teacher Andrew Cohen, who has been severely reproached with abusive treatment of his disciples. The article tries to show that the real cause of the dilemma is not to be found with Andrew Cohen as a spiritual teacher, who truly believed in the dubious enterprise he engaged in. The dilemma lies inherent in Ken Wilber's ego-theory, which has been faithfully followed by Andrew Cohen in his spiritual practice. So it is primarily Wilber who has to be taken to task for his ill-conceived ego-theory

This article turns over some serious intellectual bullshit... Why won't these people just admit that they have been taken in by confidence trickers or con-men? Wilber and Cohen were in a symbiotic relationship to con their followers and yet their intellectual type ex-followers completely refuse to admit that they were conned.... Just because Wilber and Cohen could go around the mental block about a mythical state of enlightenment means nothing... that is the nature of the con... The well-known supporters are now in trouble because they were either not spiritual enough to discern that these were big fakes or they wanted in on the con... Regardless, rubbing shoulders with a big name was about perpetuating a myth about their own status and nothing more... I realise that the authors writing about these spiritual gangsters are desperately trying to deal with their sense of spiritual betrayal because I have been there too and it is an extremely deep wound, but there will be no healing until they stop pretending Wilber and Cohen are 'normal' human beings because they are not! This is a pair of very clever predators operating on well know trajectory that have been finally exposed. End of story. Btw, once you understand the modus operandi of these spiritual 'gurus', a lot of 'and me too types' become suspect...
  • Part II: Ken Wilber's Ego-Theory Revealed as a True Breeding Ground of Self-Destruction
    Integral World, October 2013
    Comment: I was watching a TV quiz show and in his introduction, a contestant who was a stage hypnotist stated that intelligent people were much easier to hypnotise... Simply, that explains an awful lot about why the likes of Cohen and Wilber have managed to attract intellectuals and why they struggle to get beyond the "teaching" which appears to be just highly affective brainwashing.

  • Don Beck and the General Pathology of "Integral" Leaders
    Integral World News, 10th October 2013
    Hmmm... I think the author is right to point out exactly where Don Beck is coming from... But saying that, maybe this will be the biggest laugh I have had all week, finding out that Don Beck claimed George Bush was operating at second-tier yellow.... Crazy stuff... LOL! On reflection, maybe there needs to more focus on ruthless people who operate on the meme 'knowledge is power'... the dark side of enlightenment and where I think Don Beck and his co-horts are operating from....

Stenographer Diane Reidy Outburst Explained
TruNews, 18th October 2013
Topic : The guest on today’s edition of TRUNEWS is Dan Reidy. He is the husband of Diane Reidy, the House Stenographer that spoke a prophetic utterance on the floor of the U.S. House following the vote on the debt ceiling.

Regulars to this blog know that I am not a Christian, but I come from a Christian background and I can relate to the mentality. Due to my extensive studies, I understand the concept of astrotheology and how and why religions were created. To cut a long story short, besides a system of control, religions retain the essence of some very important messages. Christians focus on the return of Christ and what we can expect, but for theologians, Eschatology (End Times) is the most important area of study. It is important because humans must never forget there are checks and balances for all life on this planet. There is a higher power that maintains order and this means humans are monitored. At certain points, "judgement" will be delivered as the extinction and remains of many ancient civilisations proves. As far as I am concerned, a deluge of cosmic energy has many many consequences... For those who are cynical, I suggest studying what Intelligent Design folk have to say concerning the major problems Neo-Darwinists are facing. There is a growing realisation that "mysterious" non-local information heavily controls biology through the maintainence of "body plans". The belief is that two new levels of complexity above highly complex genes are required but that info is held in the environment, meaning scientists have no ability to control and corrupt this info. Obviously, this control is most apparent at times of rapid evolutionary change. World controllers are not the ultimate authority and them abusing their position is not overlooked. Based on what I know of geophysics and the geological record, when the going gets rough, the belief that the elite can run off to underground bunkers and they will be safe is not a long term solution or a guarantee of safety. Diane Reidy, might have had enough of the corruption that is extremely evident in the U.S. Congress (she can call her outburst anything she likes...), but the recent warning by an academic about the sheer numbers of ruthless people and the fact we are coming very close to revolution is just plain interesting... Simply, there is just now too many narcissists and psychopathic predators about... At some point, the predators will be largely wiped out and order restored... The only question really is: how many will go down with them? This is based on laws of nature that most humans fail to comprehend applies to humanity too. God will not be mocked, is just a term that I think refers to laws of nature that all forms of life are subject to where elimination is the final penalty. The United States needs to watch out because it has reputation for its underhand tactics (that's being nice) and as regulars know, the plug can be pulled at any time... Update: Interesting theory that she was in a trance and had been hypnotized.... well, these days I can believe it is possible... The problem with Christians is that they are very vulnerable to manipulators, that is why the religion was started in the first place.... see House Stenographer Appears to Get Hypnotized Before 'Freemason' Rant

2013 Comet ISON: 'Comet of the Century' to Shine Brightly by End of October, Amateur Astronomers Share Captured Images of Comet ISON [PHOTOS]
International Business Times, 17th October 2013
Scientists and amateur astronomers expect the fast approaching 2013 Comet ISON to shine brightly and become visible through telescopes by the end of October which refutes initial reports regarding the fizzling out of the "Comet of the Century". The amateur astronomers were able to spot and capture images of the approaching comet with the use of professional telescope lenses.

The amateur astronomy club called Jyotirvidya Parisanstha (JVP) began a photographic tracking of Comet ISON with other astronomy clubs setting up workshops, awareness campaigns and even star parties to observe the much anticipated space phenomenon in 2013.

I cut off the bright blue star Regulus for the image icon and the red ring is to identify Comet ISON . Well, looking around at other amateur images, Mars now has a bright ring around it and this image is not even the brightest I have found... Seriously, when did that happen? At this moment, I am not sure it is right to say this was caused by Comet ISON (unlike McCanney) because the whole solar system is charging up and our moon has been extremely bright for quite some time, to the point that even NASA has been forced to admit the moon's atmosphere is electrified... But Mars too? Actually, I am quite stunned... So, will NASA admit some time in the future that the atmosphere of Mars is highly electrified too? I even wonder if astronomers are going to act dumb and say nothing... I don't have time to go looking, but before and after images by the same telescope at similar times of the year and similar viewing conditions are needed as some kind of final proof...

Perú: Peruvian Air Force Launches Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon Research Department
Inexplicata News, 15th October 2013
DINAE, the Office of Aerospace Interests, under the official sponsorship of CONIDA, the National Commission for Aerospace Investigation and Development and the Peruvian Air Force (FAP), in response to the significant increase in claims and reports on Anomalous Aerial Objects commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the skies over Peruvian Territory, has decided to RE-LAUNCH and RE-ACTIVATE the office established in 2001 under the name of Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research (OIFAA) and which has been inactive in recent year. Thus, Air Force Colonel Julio José Vucetich Abanto, current Director of DINAE, summons members of the High Military Command of the Peruvian Navy, Peruvian Army and Peruvian National Police, as well as the National and International Press in general and the public specialized in the subject to participate in today’s RE-LAUNCHING ceremony. [...]

The Peruvian Air Force, the Office of Aerospace Interests and the Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon Research Department are thus taking a step forward in the region and in the world, providing a timely and adequate response to Peru’s urgent public need regarding the unidentified flying object phenomenon.

Astronauts see strange cloud in space, remnant of missile launch
Fox News, 15th October 2013

Astronauts on the International Space Station have beamed home photos of an eerie space cloud outside their orbital home, a strange sight apparently created by a recent missile launch.

The astronaut photos were captured on Oct. 10 by NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano who took to Twitter under their pen names (@AstroIllini and @astro_luca, respectively) to share the unnatural looking space cloud formation with Earth.

"Saw something launch into space today," Hopkins wrote. "Not sure what it was but the cloud it left behind was pretty amazing." At first, Hopkins wasn't sure what created the odd looking cloud outside the window of the orbiting laboratory, but Parmitano cleared up the confusion with a Twitter post of his own.

Updated: I suppose the no. 1 question is how the Russians can launch a Topol missile into space in the direction of the international space station and the only notification is something found a blog, but astronauts had not been given any warning to expect any such event ... Personally, I think if you believe that, then you will believe anything... Anyway, according to some poorly educated astronauts, this is a gas cloud in space.... A gas cloud with a hole and clear structure. Well, in the near vacuum of space, a gas cloud is impossible, but a magnetospheric plasmoid held together with a strong magnetic field is not... Personally, I am stunned that these astronauts have been allowed to send these images to Twitter. Where are the government control freaks? Locked out in the government shutdown? LOL!! Seriously, are these astronauts taking some initiative and educating the world about what they can see on a regular basis in space? Is this some kind of revenge by NASA scientists being forced out of their jobs by the government shutdown? Is this some kind of blackmail and there is worst images to come? Whatever, I'd say 10/10 for revenge, now if they can just keep it up... Just wow... This is what I wrote in the original version of my book Tuning The Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008).
Further proof of the existence of large plasma spheres is provided by NASA film footage of Discovery Missions from 1991 to 1996. “The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Raw Footage”, is a documentary produced by the Canadian ex-cable station manager Martyn Stubbs, who used sophisticated TV satellites, belonging to the cable station, to pick up unencrypted NASA film footage [23]. After scrutinizing 2500 hours of viewing, Stubbs put together a first class “special” to the delight of UFO enthusiasts!

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs)

Finally, for more ‘official’ acknowledgement of these plasma spheres, we can thank the United Kingdom (UK) Freedom of Information Act, which came into force, January 1, 2005. The UK Telegraph newspaper reported, 7th May 2006, that Defence Intelligence Staff, part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on behalf of the British government, have been studying the atmospheric phenomenon of plasmas for four years [24]. The findings were published in a four-volume, 460-page report, titled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region” [25]. This study was code-named Project Condign, and it was classified “Secret UK Eyes Only”. It was so secret only 11 copies of the final report were produced, and circulated to a restricted number of high-ranking Royal Air Force and defense ministry officials; not even the MOD UFO department were informed [26]. After years of denial, this ultra top-secret report came to light through the efforts of UFO author and university lecturer Dr. David Clarke and fellow ufologists Gary Anthony. The bulk of this report has now been published on the Internet by the MOD, with some censorship that appears to be largely related to the effect of plasma on radar performance. The Condign report’s Executive Summary opens with this unequivocal statement:
“Reports of UAP (popularly known as “UFOs”) are usually described as coloured lights and sometimes shapes. They are typically spherical, disc, torroidal or cigar shaped. Very occasionally they are reported with sound and even with smell. Reports occur because they comprise unfamiliar and unexpected lights, shapes and patterns, in the context in which the observer sees them. The phenomena occur on a daily, worldwide basis. […] That UAP exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, takeoff, accelerate to exceptional velocities and vanish, they can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile—either manned or unmanned.” [27]
From the Condign Report, Executive Summary page 7, we find:
“Considerable evidence exists to support the thesis that the events are almost certainly attributable to physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere. They appear to originate due to weather and electrically-charged conditions. ...some of the events may be triggered by meteor re-entry, the meteors neither burning up completely nor impacting as meteorites, but forming buoyant plasmas. Depending on an object’s color temperatures and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by its self-generated plasma colour, by reflected light or in silouhette by light blockage and background contrast. As an electricallycharged but not ionised, gaseous mass, this may be either visible to the eye but not radar sensors, or fully ionised and visible to both.” [27]
It is worth repeating, the report says the existence of UAPs is “undisputable” and refers to “the recent increase in UAP events”. It even mentions Russian & U.S. interest into this particular plasma activity. Well, we know that 99.999% of the energy in the Universe exists in the fourth state of matter—plasma that can self-organize into various structures. Moreover, we have had “unprecedented” solar activity delivering vast quantities of plasma to Earth. Russian sources make it very clear that the frequency of this plasma phenomenon “grows several times in the years of active Sun” [28]. In the metaphysical community, it is understood that “Messengers of Light” are busy working in order to create a new version of Earth. Maybe, we could even consider the increased presence of these plasma spheres represents more heaven on Earth. As various scientific, military and government organizations watch this daily activity, they must realize that plasma “magnetic entities” exist, which are totally beyond human control. [END EXCERPTS]
For those who are unfamiliar with the numerous reports of strange objects in space, google "doughnut UFO" + "Tether Incident".
  • "Unannounced rocket launch": Mysterious "missile launch" seen from space station, and corrupt media goes into overdrive explaining it
    Discovery News, 11th October 2013
    Last night, ESA/Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano posted some bizarre photos via his Twitter account from the International Space Station. A mystery rocket contrail could be seen rising above the Earth's twilight horizon. [...]

    This oddity was all the more strange as there were no scheduled launches by NASA (due to the government shutdown) or from any U.S. commercial spaceflight company. Russia and Europe also had no scheduled launches at that time. Still, something had been fired into space.

    The headline is from This is the only news I have seem that makes it clear someone did some investigation and found that there had been NO scheduled missile launches, but then later a Russian blog claimed a launch had taken place and this was duly reported as fact...

  • Spectacular videos and eerie space cloud mistaken for UFO
    Open Minds, 15th October 2013
    [...] You may be noticing that the missile trail appears to be higher than the ISS. Oberg says this is the case, but it did not pose a threat to the astronauts. He told NBCNews, “Topol’s altitude, even while thrusting, was far higher than the ISS’s, but in terms of accidental collision, [the phrase] ‘you can’t get there from here’ applies. It never went fast enough to catch up.”

    Soon after tweeting the first image, Parmitano tweeted another image, this time of a strange space cloud left by the missile.

    Oberg explained the strange cloud to NBCNews. He said it was a result of hot exhaust expanding as it left the rocket, with “four circumferential notches that must be a consequence of plume expansion from four nozzles, or of four steering vanes.”

    The only reason for posting this is the picture of the ballistic missile trail, which looks no different to any other ballisitic missile trail... One thing is certain, the second picture taken by Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano, looks like a moving doughnut "cloud" due to the exposure time used! So, the only conclusion I can come to is the space analyst James Oberg quoted here must be being paid to write crap... Clouds CANNOT form spontaneously in space without the existence of electromagnetic field affects! Ask any cosmologist who has tried and tried to make computer simulations of nebulae and stars coalescing in space just using the super weak force of gravity. Nothing will happen without the efficiency of strong electromagnetic affects and where exactly is that coming from to form such a specific shape in such a short time? Exhaust fumes are not sufficient...

CCTV captures light shaft which appears to descend from the heavens
Daily Mail, 14th September 2013
• Reflected sun on Polperro harbour in Cornwall creates stunning blue light.
• Newsagent William Fathers captured image on his shop's webcam.
• The 46-year-old said: 'It looks as if aliens are coming to Polperro harbour.'
• Heavenly reflections created when low sun shines on to the sea's

This astonishing picture shows how sunlight reflected off the sea looked for a minute as if a UFO was coming in to land in the harbour. A newsagent in the picturesque Cornish village of Polperro joked that he feared for a minute an alien such as E.T. was descending when he saw the strong blue shaft of light on the harbour. William Fathers, of Polperro News, tweeted this stunning picture of the natural phenomenon from his shop's webcam with the caption 'Aliens are beaming down to Polperro Harbour'...

The talk of UFOs is just plain irritating and symptomatic of the general level of dumbed down ignorance... Personally, I am wondering if this is an example of a natural atmospheric laser, the same atmospheric lasers that are making the perfectly round laser-cut sink holes... The highly electric atmospheric conditions on Earth are becoming as extreme as the conditions around Earth where natural lasers are knocking out satellites...

Idled NASA workers speak out against shutdown
Mx Fox Houston News, 14th October 2013
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - Furloughed NASA employees will protest the government shutdown on Tuesday morning, outside the Johnson Space Center. The demonstration was organized by the American Federation of Government Employees Local 2284. It's intended to shame Congress into approving a budget and ending the shutdown so locked-out federal workers can return to the job.

The vast majority of JSC's employees are considered non-essential and therefore subject to the furlough, which began on October 1. "We have about 100 employees out of 3100 that's working," explained NASA employee (and union president) Bridget Broussard-Guidry, "and they're mostly in Mission Control, supporting the mission or Space Station."

And the U.S. government is about to default too or so I have heard... These top scientists have no experience in roughing it either... I imagine NASA's no. 1 enemy James McCanney is having the biggest laugh...

NASA Juno probe HOWLS past Earth - and goes into HIBERNATION
Unexpectedly dozing like a 140,000kph baby towards Jupiter
The Register, 9th October 2013
Updated NASA's Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft waved goodbye to Earth as it shot past at 140,000kph - and mysteriously switched into "safe mode", the space agency confirmed to The Register.

The $1.1bn probe buzzed our planet to gain a speed boost for its five-year journey to the gas giant. A spokesman for the space agency's Jet Propulsion Lab told us solar-powered Juno "is in safe mode at present" and "responding in safe mode as expected".

"It was in safe mode as it came out of the Earth flyby," he said. "Two-way communications have been established. The spacecraft is in a safe stable state receiving power from the solar arrays as expected."

Hmmm... The cosmic environment around Earth is now extremely hostile and satellite launches have become very hit and miss.

Walmart shelves in Springhill, Mansfield, cleared in EBT glitch
KSLA News, 14th October 2013
MANSFIELD, LA (KSLA) - Shelves in Walmart stores in Springhill and Mansfield, LA were reportedly cleared Saturday night, when the stores allowed purchases on EBT cards even though they were not showing limits.

The chaos that followed ultimately required intervention from local police, and left behind numerous carts filled to overflowing, apparently abandoned when the glitch-spurred shopping frenzy ended.

Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd confirms they were called in to help the employees at Walmart because there were so many people clearing off the shelves. He says Walmart was so packed, "It was worse than any black Friday" that he's ever seen.

2 hours of mayhem... but Walmart must be to blame for not imposing a sensible limit. The rumours of a U.S. governmenr default must be a severe worry for many on benefits. Also, America Would Be Consumed With Mass Rioting And Looting If Food Stamp Program Stops Functioning

World Emergency Should Be Declared Over Fukushima
The Voice of Russia, 14th October 2013
[...] A state of emergency should now be declared throughout the world community. Japan needs international control, Tokyo can’t manage it on its own. Whatever the world nations can offer to cope with the situation should be used, or else the northern part of the Pacific will be contaminated. Discharging radioactive water into tanks and keeping them is pointless. Japan clearly needs an immediate extraordinary solution.

Dispelling the myth that building nuclear power plants in seismically active areas is safe has become an important lesson taught by the Fukushima disaster. It has been brought home to the Japanese for dozens of years that the situation is under control and they should have no fears. But it turned out that the elements are unpredictable and that humanity is defenceless against nature despite all of their

It was obvious from the word go this was a mega mega disaster... Japanese leaders are acting like they are mentally incapacitated, but maybe they don't want to admit they have destroyed their own country. Whatever, Japan is finished, the issue is what happens to the rest of the world. It sounds like the Russias have lost patience... The paragraph here about the foolishness of building nuclear reactors in seismically active areas is a rare bit of honesty... The comments by Ed Ward sum this up properly: "The only thing to be 'declared' now is a world 'disaster'". Next, we need an admission that nuclear reactors are vulnerable in major blackouts when power is needed 24/7 to maintain operations.

Japan Professors: Worst case scenario at Fukushima, nuclear rods melted and went through reactor floors; Contamination is impacting rest of world; Likely that entire Pacific will be affected — Farmer: Gov’t doesn’t have any idea about status of fuel (VIDEO)
Energy News, 13th October 2013
The 2011 Eastern Japan Great Earthquake Disaster – Kyoto University’s Okada Norio, Yoshio Kajitani, Hirokazu Tatano & Beijing University’s Tao Ye, Peijun Shi: [T]he nuclear accident gradually became a level 7 nuclear event, which is a major accident and the highest level on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), equivalent to the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986. [...]

The long-term impact of the nuclear crisis to Japan, the Asia-Pacific region, and the entire world is still not fully revealed. […] The radioactive contamination caused by the nuclear accident following the earthquake and tsunami is affecting the rest of the world through atmospheric circulation. The polluted water released by the Tokyo Electric Power Company is likely to affect the entire Pacific Ocean in the coming decades.

I have been saying for a long time Japan is finished, the issue for debate is whether this has become an extinction level event for humanity. Well some think humanity is finished, but the most curious is the transhumanists who are desperate to give up with being human and re-animate themselves inside a computer. The irrationality knows no bounds. From my point of view, New Agers wanting to strengthen the human energy field to act as a cosmic shield now looks like common sense... The irony, especially when so many are completely clueless about just how vulnerable humanity has become...

Solar Storms Cause Dropped Cell Phone Calls And Amazing Light Shows
Huffington Post, 11th October 2013
Stop blaming AT&T and Verizon; all those dropped calls you’re experiencing may be coming from the sun. Eruptions of hot gas, called solar storms, produce shock waves that travel through space at millions of miles per hour. The energy from their unimaginable speeds causes electrons to create radio waves that eventually reach the earth’s atmosphere.

These waves disrupt satellite and terrestrial communications on earth on a weekly if not daily basis, according to University of Hawaii scientist Dr. Jason Byrne. Dr. Byrne contributed to a recent study by Trinity College Dublin, University College London and the University of Hawaii that makes never-before-known connections between these solar storms and radio wave disruptions on earth.

Mathematical formula Predicts Revolution, 10th October 2013
There is a mathematical formula created by a professor at the University of Connecticut which appears to be predicting a huge social shift - and which may explain why we're in the shutdown and debt ceiling crisis. Professor Peter Turchin has spent years developing a model that uses numbers to explain historical cycles - like the fall of the Roman Empire, the Rise of Communism.

He measures things like income inequality, the minimum wage, and health - which he measures by life expectancy and the average height of the population. And the bottom line is - the wider the gap between rich and poor, the unhappier the general population is, and the closer people get to revolution.

We are, right now, climbing that inequality curve and all the signs are there: low taxes on the rich and low wages for workers. And there's another warning sign: a rising number of wealthy, educated elites competing for a fixed number of high political offices. The stiffer the competition, the more ruthless they become.

The signs of the times are obvious but it is interesting that academics acknowledge the issue of there being too many predators... I can't help thinking the New Age narcisstistic mindset is just another reflection of the darkest hour of humanity. I am not sure we will see revolution, I am hoping for a peaceful die-off and evolution for a select few that meet the criteria for humanity to be able to start the next cycle.

ESA set to Swarm over magnetic field
Flight Global News, 4th October 2013
The European Space Agency is in the countdown phase to one of the highlights of its scientific year: the launch of its three-spacecraft Swarm mission to study the Earth’s magnetic field in unprecedented detail. [...]

The scientific objective is to better understand how the Earth’s magnetic field is generated, how it varies around the globe and why this field that protects us from space weather appears to be weakening. To achieve that aim, ESA and prime contractor Astrium have had to employ some unusual design tricks.

As with all missions to space, Swarm must survive launch. But, says mission manager Rune Floberghagen, with all three identical 468kg craft closely packed to fit on one launcher, there is an additional risk of collision in the first few seconds after release.

At long last, some new info about this important mission... The comment about surviving launch is interesting, especially when we consider the number of recent failures.

Ark. woman awakes to $4 trillion bank balance
KSLA News, 3rd October 2013
The Fort Smith woman awoke Tuesday and saw that her online bank balance was at $4,040,404,040,404.04 - or more than $4 trillion. Layes says she thought it was either her lucky day - or that someone was going to get in trouble.

She contacted her local BancorpSouth branch and the mistake was quickly corrected. BancorpSouth tells the Southwest Times Record ( ) that a "system display issue" caused inaccurately high account balances for some online customers. The problem has since been corrected

This glitch affected other accounts too...

Doomsday survivalist steals $400,000 in coins from company vacuums to build massive off-the-grid home
Daily Mail, 13th October 2013
* Berry funded the three-story house by raiding the coin vaults of a car wash
* His ex-wife Tasha Buxton also believes he is hiding $50,000 cash or coins
* He still reportedly lives in the Bald Mountain house

A 60-year-old doomsday survivalist has been convicted of stealing $400,000 in coins from his employer to build a massive off-the-grid home to prepare for the world's end.

Alaska's Steven D. Berry funded the three-story home - which boasts a gym, hot tub, secret passageways and a Gatling gun on a swivel mount loaded with a belt of bullets - by raiding the coin vaults of a local car wash.

The subject of preparing for disaster is now quite topical, but my main focus is our world is not prepared to adequately cope with new cosmic conditions and the knock on effects... Quite frankly, I feel vindicated in pointing out the relevance of space weather despite the general lack of interest by many who cannot comprehend basic facts and prefer to "think positively," which is a euphemism for not thinking at all... In this regard, I am quite astounded by scholars at Oxford and Cambridge now admitting that huge blackouts are possible and that a few tin-cans in storage might be helpful... Obviously, this advice is totally inadequate, in fact piss poor... I would have thought they could have at least referenced NASA's 2009 report Severe Space Weather Events--Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts report, (the .pdf summary can be downloaded here , and plenty of other reports that state clearly that our modern technological society will quickly collapse without electricity and the reality is many millions will die. That is the choice society is making by the general lack of interest in reality and preference for being superficial.

Solar Activity Picking Up, 12th October 2013
CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1861 is pointing directly at Earth and crackling with C-class solar flares. Bigger eruptions could be in the offing. The sunspot has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that could erupt at any time. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class flares and a 15% chance of X-flares on Oct. 12th.

FARSIDE ERUPTION: An active region located just behind the sun's northeastern limb erupted on Oct. 11th, producing an X-ray flash that registered M1.5 on the Richter Scale of Solar Flares -- despite the fact that it was partially eclipsed by the edge of the sun. The true intensity of the flare was much greater, possibly X-class. The explosion also hurled a spectacular CME into space:

Type II radio emissions from the expanding cloud suggest an expansion velocity of at least 510 km/s (1.1 million mph). That's a typical speed for CMEs.

Within a few days, the sunspot responsible for this outburst will rotate around to the Earthside of the sun. At that time, Earth-directed solar activity could increase. August and September were quiet months, but in October the sun seems to be waking up.

RADIO-ACTIVE SUN: Radio amateurs, have you heard any strange roaring sounds coming from the loudspeakers of your shortwave radios this week? It might have been the sun. "The Sun has been generating Type III solar radio bursts and they appear to be intensifying," reports amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft of New Mexico. "The strongest burst so far came at 2155 UTC on October 9th." Here it is as recorded on two radios at 28 MHz and 21 MHz:

There is no doubt about this now, the sun has become more active as we are getting strong flares and serious radio noise. I am thinking if we get a relatively small hit with say 10 million people affected, it might be enough to generate some interest in the fact our world has changed ...

Access restored for food stamp users, Xerox says
USA Today, 12th October 2013
People in 17 states found themselves unable to buy groceries with their food stamp debit-style cards Saturday after a routine check by vendor Xerox Corp. resulted in a system failure. Xerox announced late in the evening that access had been restored for users in the 17 states affected by the outage, hours after the first problems were reported.

"Re-starting the EBT system required time to ensure service was back at full functionality," spokeswoman Jennifer Wasmer said in an email. [...] Mississippi Department of Human Services director Rickey Berry confirmed that Xerox, the state's EBT vendor, had computer problems. He said he had been told by midafternoon that the problems were being fixed.

"I know there are a lot of mad people," Berry said.

Phailin on Course to Devastate India This Weekend
Accuweather, 12th October 2013
India is expected to suffer catastrophic impacts from Severe Tropical Cyclone Phailin on Saturday and Saturday night.

Destructive winds well over 160 kph (100 mph) and flooding rain of at least 100-200 mm (4-8 inches) is expected across a wide area. There will be a crippling storm surge of 4-6 meters (14-20 feet), as well as wind gusts over 300 kph, near the landfall point of Phailin which is expected across northeastern India Saturday morning EDT.

Apparently, the black represents very cold cloud tops, which means heavy rains and winds are definitely going to be a huge problem.

Russians discover kilometer-wide near-earth asteroid
RIA Novosti, 11th October 2013
MOSCOW, October 11 (RIA Novosti) – A near-Earth asteroid about a fifth the size of the space rock thought to have killed the dinosaurs has been discovered by a Russian-operated observatory in New Mexico

The kilometer-wide asteroid, dubbed 2013 TB80, was first spotted on Wednesday by the remotely run ISON-NM observatory and was later confirmed by US and Japanese astronomers, the International Astronomical Union said in an online statement. [...]

Near-Earth celestial bodies are defined as those that come as close to the Sun as the Earth does, which means they have a chance of colliding with our planet.

NASA estimates that mankind is currently aware of 93 percent of near-Earth asteroids that are above one kilometer in diameter. None of them is expected to collide with the Earth in the foreseeable future.

The space rock discovered Wednesday is between six and 18 times larger than the one believed to have crashed in 1908 near Russia's Tunguska River, a meteorite whose impact is considered the most powerful in recorded history.

At least the Russians can provide the Near Earth Objects [NEO] count rather than frighten people with irrelevant info.

Snow Falls Weeks Early In Munich! …Meteorologist: “Winter Strikes Unusually Early And Severely”!
No Tricks Zone, 11th October 2013
Meteorologists warned us that snow was on the way and would fall below the 500 m elevation in southern Germany and elsewhere. Moreover, they warned us that this winter could be one of the worst in 100 years for Central Europe. No one knows if it’s really going to be such a winter, but one thing is sure: it sure is starting out like one! At least in parts of Central Europe.

More signs of global warming...

Terraforming Earth: Geoengineering megaplan starts now
New Scientist, 9th October 2013
THIS is how we will hold off disaster. To help us avoid dangerous climate change, we will need to create the largest industry in history: to suck greenhouse gases out of the air on a giant scale. For the first time, we can sketch out this future industry – known as geoengineering – and identify where it would operate.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change now considers geoengineering to be respectable. The reason is simple. Unless our greenhouse gas emissions start falling soon, Earth will probably warm this century by more than 2 °C, at which point things get nasty – because human society might not be able to adapt. But emissions are still rising. The upshot is we urgently need ways to suck CO2 out of the air. This was the subject of the Oxford Conference on Negative Emission Technologies, held last month in the UK.

As anyone knows, who is following the scientific 'debate' about is really happening, CO2 has little or nothing to do with global atmospheric temperatures. Based on historical facts, of long periods of low solar activity, an Ice Age is much more likely. So, what I find utterly amazing is that nobody that I have come across, has given the completely obvious reason for the desperation by world controllers to remove increasing amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere as the planet becomes more and more electrified... Well, I can tell you, at some point in the near future, there will come a critical point when the heavens are going to light up and then the citizen's of planet Earth are going to have their minds blown... We will reach what I have called the status of 'Paradise' and when that happens, folk will have no choice but to experience some serious enlightenment.

Radar to monitor space weather unveiled
Defence Webs, 10th October 2013
The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) has unveiled a new high-frequency digital radar that will be used to monitor space weather conditions.

The radar, which was revealed in Hermanus yesterday, forms part of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), an international network of more than 30 radars used to monitor the dynamics of space weather.

SANSA Space Science communication officer, Catherine Webster, explains that, just as there is weather on earth, there is weather in space, and it can interfere with and cause damage to satellites which are relied on for communication, navigation, resource management, and national safety and security.

"Understanding space weather, a term used to describe the effects the sun has on earth and the planets of our solar system, is a global priority," says Webster. As host to the only Space Weather Centre in Africa, SANSA provides an important service to the nation by monitoring the sun and its activity to provide information, early warnings and forecasts on space weather conditions. [...] SANSA Space Science MD, Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell, explains that communication and navigation technology, town planning, resource and disaster management are highly dependent on satellites operating in the space environment. "Understanding this environment has become vital in order to protect technology in space and on earth from the devastating effects of space weather."

The language here is quite interesting... You would think the lives of hundreds of millions of people were in danger, even if they don't know it...

How the shutdown could impact scientist studying space weather at the South Pole
Washington Post, 10th October 2013
One of the many impacts of the government shutdown has been that the cancellation of the U.S. Antarctic Program for the year. The program, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, manages science research on the South Pole.

To get a better sense of what impact this will have on scientists whose research is supported by the program at the South Pole, we talked to C. Robert Clauer, who is a professor of space science at Virginia Tech and whose research in Antarctica is funded by the U.S. Antarctic Program. He told us about what life in Antarctica is like, what his research on space weather entails and what caretaker status means for scientists researching in Antarctica. [...]

The cold weather gear makes working outside very comfortable. In our case we were installing equipment that would work autonomously over the year making measurements of magnetic disturbances that result from electrical currents in space and in the ionosphere above the station.

We also have an experiment to investigate disturbances to GPS satellite signals caused by ionospheric disturbances. This involves digging a hole in the snow to bury the electronics box and battery box, erecting a tower that holds solar panels and the antennas for our satellite data relay system and GPS experiment and deploying our sensors. [...]

The solar wind interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field to produce an ‘electromagnetic’ weather around the Earth. The aurora or northern and southern polar lights are related to these phenomena. This weather now can affect much of the technology that we rely upon now — like communications systems, navigation systems, electrical power distribution, humans in space, air crews on polar transcontinental flights, and long distance pipelines.

It involves the development of the radiation belts, development of electrical currents that carry millions of amperes around the Earth and in the ionosphere.

There is no fudging the issue here... scientists are measuring big fat electric currents coming in from space.

Elephants understand pointing and use their trunks to gesture, research finds
Elephants understand pointing without being trained to recognise the human gesture, and are much more cognitively similar to humans than previously thought, scientists have said.
Telegraph, 11th October 2013
Experts from the University of St Andrews believe the animals may even use their trunks as a means of communication, in a similar way to pointing. The ability may have evolved from the complex social system elephants inhabit, which involves recognising unspoken signals.

"What elephants share with humans is that they live in an elaborate and complex network in which support, empathy, and help for others are critical for survival," said Professor Richard Byrne. "It may be only in such a society that the ability to follow pointing has adaptive value, or more generally, elephant society may have selected for an ability to understand when others are trying to communicate with them, and they are thus able to work out what pointing is about when they see it."

I think this report is pathetic when there are YouTube videos of elephants painting beautiful flowers and reports of elephants making sounds in Korean that are convincing enough to make their handlers think they are trying to talk to humans.

Snow Falls Weeks Early In Munich! …Meteorologist: “Winter Strikes Unusually Early And Severely”!
No Tricks Zone, 11th October 2013
Meteorologists warned us that snow was on the way and would fall below the 500 m elevation in southern Germany and elsewhere. Moreover, they warned us that this winter could be one of the worst in 100 years for Central Europe. No one knows if it’s really going to be such a winter, but one thing is sure: it sure is starting out like one! At least in parts of Central Europe.

Sundiving Comet, More to Come?, 10th October 2013
SUNDIVING COMET: Comet ISON is not the only comet diving toward the sun. Another smaller comet is feeling the heat today. Using a coronagraph to block the sun's glare, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is monitoring the comet's death plunge:

This comet is a member of the Kreutz family. Seen falling into the sun dozens of times each year, Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet many centuries ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail.

Today's sungrazer is probably doomed. The vast majority of Kreutz comets are small (no more than ~10 m wide) and they evaporate completely as they approach the sun. Comet ISON, on the other hand, is large (~0.5 km wide) and widely expected to survive its brush with the sun on Nov. 28th. It's a tale of two comets!

The thought struck me that the United States government might be expecting a volley of sungrazer comets at the same time as Comet ISON makes its approach... In December 2010, there were 25 comets in just ten days... its just a thought and we will have to watch to see what happens... but anything that might upset the Sun and produce some bad space weather has to be carefully considered. Especially now when it seems authorities are preparing for something serious.... The image icon is what happened when Comet Neat appeared from nowhere and triggered an humonguous explosion on the Sun... As they say, there is nothing new under the Sun... or in any other direction...

Green Comet ISON, 10th October 2013
GREEN COMET ISON: Comet ISON is brightening as it approaches the sun. At the moment it is glowing like a 10th magnitude star, too dim for naked eye viewing but an easy target for many telescopes on Earth. "This is what the comet looked like on Oct. 8th using the 0.8m (32 inch) Schulman Telescope," reports Adam Block from the University of Arizona Skycenter atop Mount Lemmon:

ISON's green color comes from the gases surrounding its icy nucleus. Jets spewing from the comet's core contain cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space.

"I am certain more images of Comet ISON will be coming out shortly as it increases in brightness during its dive towards the Sun," adds Block. "Here is hoping it survives that rendezvous on Nov. 28th and emerges as something spectacular on the other side!"

Although the comet is very faint, finding it is easy. Comet ISON rises alongside Mars in the eastern sky just before dawn. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates. Special dates of interest include Oct. 13-15 when Mars, Comet ISON, and the first magnitude star Regulus will be clustered in a patch of sky less than 3o apart. Red Mars and blue Regulus will form a beautiful naked eye "double star" in the early morning sky. Sky maps: Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

Comet ISON is lighting up like a fairy light on a Christmas tree but NASA are continuing with their fairytale scientific explanations... NASA struggles to explain how comets can produce x-rays but the electrical explanation of double layers is very very simple! Again, if you pass any electric current through a neon tube it will glow, if you let sunlight illuminate a neon tube then nothing will happen... In fact, I don't think you will find a single experiment using sunshine that will produce x-rays... Comets are electric (act as an electrical discharge of the solar capacitor), but NASA doesn't want Joe Public aware or interested in the implications because they are too significant. There is lots of free info about comets being electric by people who care about the truth and understanding our reality. See this old info that is still very relevant Electric Comet

New Data: Will Comet ISON Survive its Close Perihelion Passage?
Universe Today, 9th October 2013
It’s the question on every astronomer’s mind this season, both backyard and professional: will Comet C/2012 S1 ISON survive perihelion?

Now, new studies released today at the American Astronomical Society’s 45th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences meeting being held this week in Denver suggests that ISON may have the “right stuff” to make it through its close perihelion passage near the Sun. This is good news, as Comet ISON is expected to be the most active and put on its best showing post-perihelion… if it survives. [...]

Could we be in for a “surge” of activity from ISON coming from around November 20th on?

So astronomers think Comet ISON is going to kick off.... The info about Kreutz group sungrazers is useful, as one has has just appeared see above.
  • More ISON Craziness: Tales of Popes, a Prophet and a Comet
    Universe Today, 19th September 2013
    There’s an astronomical tall tale from the Middle Ages that seems to get recycled as factual every time a “great” comet rolls around. This week, we thought we’d look at a story that just won’t die, as well as a new twist in comet conspiracy that’s rolling around ye’ ole ‘Net.

Weekend Attacks on Arkansas' Electric Grid Leave 10,000 Without Power; 'YOU SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED U.S.'
Forbes, 7th October 2013
More than 10,000 people in Arkansas were dumped into a blackout Sunday following an attack on that state’s electric grid, the FBI said today, the third such attack in recent weeks. In August, a major transmission line in the region, around Cabot, Ark., was deliberately cut.

The FBI said that two power poles had been intentionally cut in Lonoke County on Sunday, resulting in the outage. “Though we remain confident that we will identify the person or persons responsible for these incidents,” the FBI said in a press release, “we are enlisting the public’s help to be our eyes and ears. We take threats to our power grid very seriously.”

The FBI said it would pay a $25,000 reward for information about the attacks. And for good reason. The FBI suspects these attacks are linked with a third incident in September.

I think this series of attacks is unrelated to the government power down drill in mid November because 10,000 people losing their power is not what the government is worried about... The fear is 100 million upwards losing their power for extended periods and fried transformers that cannot be replaced quickly.

Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'
Biblical scholars will be appearing at the 'Covert Messiah' Conference at Conway Hall in London on the 19th of October to present this controversial discovery to the British public.

PR Web News, 8th October 2013
American Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill will be appearing before the British public for the first time in London on the 19th of October to present a controversial new discovery: ancient confessions recently uncovered now prove, according to Atwill, that the New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they fabricated the entire story of Jesus Christ. His presentation will be part of a one-day symposium entitled "Covert Messiah" at Conway Hall in Holborn (full details can be found at

I have already pointed out, Jesus Christ was a name applied to a god who was given the same attributes as a previous long list of saviours, see the online book Symbolism in Relation to Religion 1915 pg 307 by James Ballan Hannay, List of Sons of God, Messiahs, Saviours Born of a Virgin to Save Mankind . The Caesar theory may only be icing on a big astrotheological myth-making cake. In my opinion, loudly proclaiming that Jesus never existed but avoiding the subject of astrotheology helps to bury the information for those interested in the spiritual connotations of what the character Jesus Christ originally represented... Btw Kenneth Humphreys website website is a total tour de force... but as I have stated, one needs to understand the information the myth-making was designed to preserve.

Solar Activity Picking Up, 9th October 2013
GOES 13 Magnetometer 1 min data M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Solar activity is picking up. New sunspot AR1865 erupted this morning (Oct. 9th at 01:48 UT), producing the strongest solar flare in nearly two months. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the M2.8-class eruption: movie. Earth was not in the line of fire, but future eruptions could be geoeffective as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

CME IMPACT, GEOMAGNETIC STORM: An interplanetary shock wave, possibly the leading edge of a CME, hit Earth's magnetic field on October 8th at approximately 2015 UT (1:15 pm PDT). The impact sparked a G1-class geomagnetic storm (in progress) and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Lana Rupp photographed this "stunning display of color" over Borgarnes, Iceland, during the early hours of Oct. 9th:

Earth is passing through the wake of the CME where a region of high-speed solar wind continues to buffet our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters, who suspect that a second CME might arrive on Oct. 9th, estimate a 65% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

So Comet ISON gets closer and solar activity increases... yes I know, it's a coincidence right! So for the serious damage, we are looking for lots of CMEs and then maybe there might be a knock-out blow that will occur when Earth's magnetosphere is left in tatters and we are defenseless... We are looking to see if we are in the warm up phase...
Space Weather Message Code: ALTK05
Serial Number: 730
Issue Time: 2013 Oct 08 2033 UTC

ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 5
Threshold Reached: 2013 Oct 08 2024 UTC
Synoptic Period: 1800-2100 UTC
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G1 - Minor
Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 60 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents - Weak power grid fluctuations can occur.
Spacecraft - Minor impact on satellite operations possible.
Aurora - Aurora may be visible at high latitudes, i.e., northern tier of the U.S. such as northern Michigan and Maine

Source: NOAA SW Prediction: Space Weather Alerts

Next News Network, 8th October 2013
BLUFFDALE, UTAH — Massive electrical surges at a data storage facility for the National Security Agency have led to the destruction of hugely expensive machinery and delayed its opening for a year, officials revealed Tuesday.

In the past 10 months alone, the facility has experienced 13 electrical surges, which officials describe as “a flash of lightning inside a 2-foot box.” The melting metal that results from the fiery explosions causes the circuits to fail and prevents NSA workers from using the computers. A spokeswoman for the NSA insists, despite no clear culprit for the explosions, that the issues “have been mitigated.”

Hmmmm.... I presume the high and mighty that chose this location had never heard of geomagnetically induced currents or GICS.... Too bad... Presumably this facility was located on an energy node for esoteric reasons, but in the extreme geomagnetic conditions on this planet that we are now experiencing, this site is not such a great location for computers... I can tell them for free that they should expect this to get worse, far worse... The signs of the times are evident for anyone who can engage brain and process the relevant information that is readily available. Also more at the Wall Street Journal: Meltdowns Hobble NSA Data Center
  • $2 Billion NSA spy center is going up in flames Fiscal Times, 8th October 2013

    Who is going to believe that a contractor could not work out the electrical capacity requirements for this computer system? That is a total red herring...

Pilots in Asiana Crash Report Throttle Glitch
Claim contradicts results of U.S. probe, which failed to reveal mechanical or electrical errors Time, 8th October 2013
Asiana Airlines pilots involved in a deadly San Francisco plane crash earlier this year have told investigators that the failure of an automated speed-control system played a major role in the accident.

The pilots said that the auto-throttles disconnected without warning before the twin-engine jet slowed dramatically and hit a sea wall near a runway at San Francisco’s international airport, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

This account differs from the safety board’s preliminary findings, which did not uncover any mechanical or electrical problems with the Boeing 777 prior to impact. Air safety officials previously said the pilots may have failed to activate the auto-throttle correctly, but Asiana maintenance logs detail a number of “uncommanded auto-throttle disconnects.”

Hmmmm.... I would say that no electronics can be completely shielded from cosmic rays... Based on what we have been told here, I imagine there will be a confession in the near future from engineers that this was not pilot error.

First definitive proof of a comet striking Earth
IT Online News, 8th October 2013
The first-ever evidence of a comet entering Earth’s atmosphere and exploding, creating a shock wave of fire which obliterated every life form in its path, has been discovered by a team of South African scientists and international collaborators, and will be presented at a public lecture on Thursday.

The discovery has not only provided the first definitive proof of a comet striking Earth, millions of years ago, but it could also help us to unlock, in the future, the secrets of the formation of our solar system. [...]

The comet entered Earth’s atmosphere above Egypt about 28-million years ago. As it entered the atmosphere, it exploded, heating up the sand beneath it to a temperature of about 2 000 degrees Celsius, and resulting in the formation of a huge amount of yellow silica glass which lies scattered over a 6 000 square kilometre area in the Sahara. [...]

At the centre of the attention of this team was a mysterious black pebble found years earlier by an Egyptian geologist in the area of the silica glass. After conducting highly sophisticated chemical analyses on this pebble, the authors came to the inescapable conclusion that it represented the very first known hand specimen of a comet nucleus, rather than simply an unusual type of meteorite.

I changed the title to something meaningful.

A dangerous game of "cosmic roulette"?
CBS News, 6th October 2013
For a long time, astronomers saw the asteroids and comets that come close to Earth as useless debris -- space rocks that blocked our view of distant galaxies. Not anymore. They're now viewed as scientifically important and potentially very dangerous if they were to collide with our planet. The odds of that happening on any given day are remote, but over millions of years scientists believe there have been lots of impacts, and few doubt there are more to come. A former astronaut told us it's like a game of "cosmic roulette," and one mankind cannot afford to lose.

Concern over our ability to detect these objects that come near the Earth grew after an incident in Russia this February, when an asteroid crashed into the atmosphere with many times the energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, narrowly missing a city of one million.

This is video of that asteroid in Russia, barreling toward Earth at 40,000 miles an hour. It exploded into pieces 19 miles above and 25 miles south of the city of Chelyabinsk. People thought it had missed them entirely, until minutes later, when the shock wave arrived.

Shattering glass, crushing doors, and knocking some people right off their feet. More than a thousand were injured.

What an admission! NASA astronomers found out about the Chelyabinsk meteor on Twitter and YouTube! Awful, awful, awful... The confession about how many asteroids exist and how many NASA are worried about as NEOs just seems confused here... There are papers that are completely classified about this threat so I suppose this astronomer is deliberately being vague... I talked about this in my last Veritas interview (segment 2). The astronomer should have mentioned NASA Tries, Fails to Withhold Planetary Defense Report

Pumps cooling Fukushima reactors hit by power failure, backup kicks in
Energy News, 7th October 2013
Reuters, Oct. 7, 2013: Pumps cooling Fukushima reactors hit by power failure, backup kicks in [...] The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant said on Monday that pumps used to inject water to cool damaged reactors were hit by power failure, but that a backup system kicked in [...]

Reuters, Oct. 7, 2013: UPDATE 1-Fukushima worker accidentally switches off cooling pumps, backup kicks in [...] The Nuclear Regulation Authority said a worker conducting system inspections mistakenly pushed a button turning off power to some of the systems in the four reactor buildings at the Fukushima plant. [...] The latest incident is another reminder of the precarious state of the Fukushima plant [...]

Maybe, this should be classed as an act of sabotage?

Radio: Health physicist in U.S. worried about inhaling hot particle from Fukushima — Either uranium, plutonium, etc. (AUDIO)
Energy News, 4th October 2013
Chris Harris, former licensed Senior Reactor Operator and engineer: Let me relay just one more thought from my health physicist friend. Even here in the U.S., he’s worried about inhaling a hot particle; I’m just letting you know — and so am I. […]

Either uranium, plutonium, or something bad — remember they’re not even monitoring for strontium and uranium, so it’s very difficult to monitor what we’re getting and not getting. […] This is real; we don’t want this to happen here. It’s upsetting other people too.

The headline comes from Reuters... I suppose Fukushima really highlights the dilemma for the intelligentsia when they are now directly threatened. These are the folk who are not dumbed down sheeple, but can actually engage brain and think; they realise the shit is well and truly hitting the fan in many different ways. Conforming to the nasty sociopathic social norms for the sake of convenience no longer seems such a great idea when the numbers with a sociopathic mindset has tipped over into dangerous territory. It is no longer acceptable when it is completely impossible to escape or innoculate yourself from the rigid and destructive mindset displayed by those who don't care if they trash planet Earth as long as they are in charge of the mess.

How an ice age begins
Ice Age Now, 7th October 2013

P-L-E-A-S-E-P-A-Y-U-S: NOAA sends hidden messages in forecast discussion
WUWT, 5th October 2013

Mysterious earthquake swarm damages many villages in Galati, Eastern Romania: strange sounds like ‘boiling water’
The Watchers, 4th October 2013
ER reports that for a couple of weeks, an unusual earthquake swarm is going on in Eastern Romania, Galati province, close to Moldovia border. Additionally, a constant sound like boiling water, a strange water smell like sulfur and big cracks in the ground are reported. The quakes have an extremely shallow depth, have a relatively high shaking intensity and are causing a lot of damage in the villages near the epicenter areas.

Residents and seismologists are very surprised and are trying to understand what is happening. Oil extraction and flooding where initially mentioned as possible triggers but these reasons cannot explain why some other phenomenon like: a constant sound like “boiling water” (coming from the ground) and a strange water smell (like sulfur) is being noticed.

The Surprising Spread and Cultural Impact of Transhumanism
Catholic World Report, 3rd October 2013
Atheism, along with the blending of evolutionary theory and technology, is at the heart of transhumanism, Cook said. “The central idea of transhumanism is that the destiny of our species is completely, wholly, up to us,” he explained. “There is no sense of the divine providence, God looking after us, which is so characteristic of Christian thinking. So now that we have the technology, it is time to take responsibility for our evolution. Until now, the evolution of man has been random, but from now on, man can take responsibility for choosing what powers he can have.”

Hmmm.... If you do the research on the state of genetic science, transhumanism seems to rest on some misapprehensions because the environment has the final say over genes and genetic blueprints... But generally, I am appalled that people think this is the next stage of human evolution being directed by people who appear to be insane. Ray Kurzweil at Google is hoping to live forever inside a computer, but this sounds like the dream destiny for someone who is not a real human in the first place... Actually, thinking about it, this could be a great plan for tidying up the human gene pool by removing a lot of people who aren't very human....

The hornets of your nightmares: Swarms of massive insects kill more than 40 and injure 1,600 in China
Daily Mail, 3rd October 2013
* At least 37 patients are in a critical or serious condition in hospitals
* Many survivors are now nursing bullet-sized wounds
* 'The more you run, the more they chase you' victims say
* Species are four times the size of British honeybees

Swarms of deadly hornets have killed more than 40 people and injured more than 1,600 in northern China. At least 37 patients are in a critical or serious condition in hospitals, according to Shaanxi provincial government. Victims of the attack have been left with deep, dark craters in their skin the size of bullet wounds.

Should this kind of attack be called Darwin's revenge? I have been spending more time reading up on the latest discoveries that are driving scientists to demand the evolution of evolutionary theory. Neo-Darwinism has been busted. Since we are living at a time of rapid evolutionary change, I imagine some are expecting things could get very scary... Then there is Fukushima pumping out more and more radiation... Gigantism may be the next big problem if you can excuse the pun.

US Space Weather Tracking Website Still Active Despite Government Shutdown, 2nd October 2013
The U.S. government shutdown has broken the links to many federal websites, but a vital source of information about sun storms and their potential effects on Earth remains available.

The website of the Space Weather Prediction Center, an arm of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will continue to be maintained despite the shutdown, which began at midnight Tuesday (Oct. 1) when the Senate and House failed to agree on an emergency spending bill. The space weather center is currently tracking the solar fallout from a sun storm eruption earlier this week that is now arriving at Earth.

"Due to the federal government shutdown, and most associated web sites are unavailable," NOAA officials wrote in an update today (Oct. 2). "However, because the information this site provides is necessary to protect life and property, it will be updated and maintained during the federal government shutdown." [

Well, space weather issues seem to be increasing exponentially at the moment... but protecting the world against the harsh reality of space weather is way beyond politics, now it is a matter of life and death on a very large scale... Anyway, this week I have been chewing the cud about the morons that crawled out from under their rocks and moaned about my book when it was first published in 2006... Rather a long time ago now... After spending well over a thousand hours and a considerable amount of hassle, I was accused of getting it wrong and I did not understand what was going on... etc etc. Well, time is the master as they say and look who got it wrong? I wonder if these same unthinking uneducated ignorant idiots will email the scholars at Oxford and Cambridge that belong to Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute and tell them that they have got it wrong too... Actually, if anything, I think the brain-bots were too slow on the uptake... So, we had a Carrington Level near miss in July 2012, when will be the next near miss or even direct hit? But even if there is no direct hit in the near future, the red auroras after minor geomagnetic storms should be worrying a few... I think it is a sign that the state of our magnetosphere is worsening...

Space Junk Cleanup Satellite Launching on Swiss Space Plane in 2018, 2nd October 2013
A Switzerland-based spaceflight company is finalizing plans with Canada over a potential launch site for a new private space plane, which is slated to launch a satellite to clean up space junk by 2018.

The company, Swiss Space Systems (S3), plans to launch the new Clean Space One satellite using the European Suborbital Reusable Shuttle, a small space plane the firm is developing for low-cost launches off the back of a modified Airbus A300 jumbo jet.

CleanSpace One is a 66-pound (30 kilograms) technology demonstration spacecraft designed to link up with Switzerland's out-of-commission SwissCube nanosatellite — a small cube that measures 3.93 inches (10 centimeters) on each side — and safely de-orbit the target craft. The mission aims to demonstrate orbital identification and rendezvous with an uncooperative target and has an estimated cost of about 15 million Swiss Francs ($16 million). [See photos of the CleanSpace One space junk cleaning satellite] [...]

Volker Gass, the director of EPFL’s space center, explained why they are developing CleanSpace One. Gass said: "It [SwissCube] came within 75 meters [246 feet] of another debris this morning. This debris topic is very hot. ESA is already working on this for managing debris, and agencies like CNES [the French space agency] and DLR [Germany aerospace agency] are looking into this and funding projects to do demonstrations.”

Lots of info here

Comet [ISON] appears to glow green with poisonous gas.
Comet ISON surprises skywatchers as NASA tries to photograph it from Mars Catholic Online, 2nd October 2013
Well, are you ready? After a year of breathless anticipation, skywatchers are prepared to receive the potential comet of the century next month as Comet ISON sails by Earth one it's first and last trip around the Sun

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Astronomers have been watching Comet ISON closely as it approaches Mars this week, then continues in the general direction of Earth. When it was detected, now just over a year ago, astronomers originally predicted that its close brush with the Sun might cause it to brighten enough to rival the full moon. That prediction has been downgraded as the comet's brightness develops, but there are a number of other surprises that makes ISON worth paying attention to, including its color.

Backyard astronomers still have a couple weeks to wait before they can spot the icy comet, but professional and semi-professional astronomers with telescopes over 10 inches in diameter say they can already spot the fuzzy object near the planet Mars in the sky. As of today, ISON is making its closest approach to the planet Mars and NASA astronomers are attempting to photograph the comet from the planet's surface and from orbit. If photographed, it would become the first comet ever imaged from the surface of another world.

Hmmmmm.... And this comet with a big coma of poisonous gas is doing a flying over of planet Earth in January.... Now, surprise surprise, Catholics are being vigilant and reporting the news.... if you are keeping the faith with this blog you will understand their keen interest.
  • Comet ISON Goes Green
    Universe Today, 28th September 2013
    As NASA and the European Space Agency prepare their remote photojournalists – Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers – to capture photos of Comet ISON’s flyby of Mars early next week, amateur astronomers continue to monitor and photograph the comet from backyard observatories across the blue Earth. Several recent color photos show ISON’s bright head or nucleus at the center of a puffy, green coma. Green’s a good omen – a sign the comet’s getting more active as it enters the realm of the inner solar system and sun’s embrace.

    The article focuses on explaining about the poisonous gases. The reminder of old advice about hiding from poisons in the air reminds me of the biblical Passover.... World powers will take this as a major sign... If you don't understand this I can't help you.

  • First HiRISE Images of Comet ISON
    HiRise University of Arizona, 29th September 2013

  • MARS GOES COMET!!!!! (.MP3)
    The Light of the Day Radio Show, 2nd October 2013
    Comment: [6:52] Short .MP3 clip. James McCanney is wondering about the timing of the U.S. government shutdown... ALL the NASA ISON data is offline... This is a major astronomical event!!!!!! Listen to the McCanney latest radio show for more

Mysterious Green Patches on the Sky
APOD NASA, 30th September 2013
What is it? Some surely natural phenomenon has appeared in a video that, so far, has defied clear identification. The above time-lapse video was made to record Perseid meteors above Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick, Canada late this summer. The video, which ran from 9:30 pm August 11 to 3:00 am the next morning, records several meteor and satellite streaks beyond a picturesque background. Each image records a 30 second exposure. At about 25 seconds into the video, however, an unusual patchy green glow appears to cover the sky. Possible explanations include airglow, aurora, lighting from an artificial or natural source, or something completely different. This APOD is an attempt not only to solve this intriguing sky riddle, but to measure how powerful the APOD readership is as a citizen-science, collective-intelligence engine. If you have insight into what might be causing this phenomenon, please contribute to the discussion.

I think this is NASA testing to see how much interest there is in the obvious extreme electrical atmospheric conditions we are now experiencing. Green skies are a sign of intense electrical activity and that is why there is a link with tornadoes. There was panic in Russia not so long ago when the skies turned green, see the archives.

Filament CME Eruption - Direct Hit Coming?, 30th September 2013
MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: Breaking the quiet in spectacular fashion, a magnetic filament erupted from the sun's northern hemisphere during the late hours of Sept. 29th: movie. The explosion hurled a magnificent CME into space, and it might have an Earth-directed component. Stay tuned for updates as more data from this event are analyzed.

This looks like a direct hit... See ENLIL simulation... here The last CME "minor impact" a week ago caused the local magnetic field to swing 1 degree and ground currents were recorded in Lofoten.... Still, we are waiting for lots of CME blasts and one to arrive on target at hyper fast speeds... then we might see a change of attitude amongst other things.

Fireball: NASA will admit seen in 14 states, independent sources says 30, 30th September 2013
OHIO FIREBALL: On Sept. 27th, a meteor exploded in the skies above the US midwest. Witnesses report shadows cast upon the ground, unusual sounds, and a swirling contrail marking the aftermath of the blast. "It was the most brilliant fireball that I have ever seen!" reports Angela McClain, who sends this picture from Faith Ranch in Jewett, Ohio:

"The entire landscape lit up," she continues. "I spun around and there it was, a huge, bright green light, streaking across the sky. Even when it was gone, there was still a bright line in the sky about 20 seconds later. We were all stunned." A NASA all-sky camera in Hiram, Ohio, also recorded the fireball: movie.

"This was a very bright event," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Flares saturated our meteor cameras, and made determination of the end point (the terminus of the fireball's flight through the atmosphere) virtually impossible. Judging from the brightness, we are dealing with a meter class object."

Data from multiple cameras shows that the meteoroid hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 51 km/s (114,000 mph) and passed almost directly over Columbus, Ohio. Cooke has prepared a preliminary map of the ground track. According to the American Meteor Society, the fireball was visible from at least 14 US states.

Sorry, I can't keep track of various different reports, go to for more fireball info. Anyway, I don't think this is a surprise as big asteroids seem to have entourages of lots of smaller rocks and the Russians have told us that Earth had another near miss about this time see below:

Huge Fireball Explosion Creates Power Outage in Yucatan, Mexico [VIDEO]
Strange Sounds, 30th September 2013
Sunday evening, a weird sky phenomenon broke up the monotony of a small Maya Town as a huge object, thought to be a fireball, lit up the skies over the town of Ichmul in southern Yucatan at around 8:30 PM local time. The falling object was accompanied by a strong thundering noise and a loud blast when it crashed onto the ground. The crash was followed by flashing blue hazes and a power outage. Than flames were observable until approximately 2 AM at the object’s landing site. The sky phenomenon was also observed in Saban, Quintana Roo, San Francisco, and Peto Chikindzonot township.
Space junk? Just look at the bits that were picked up... Where were the military to stop people picking up these bits that are probably radioactive?

Russian Scientists Report Asteroid Near-Miss
RIA Novosti, 30th September 2013
MOSCOW, September 30 (RIA Novosti) – A 15-meter (approximately 50 feet) asteroid, similar to the one that exploded above Russia in February, was detected hours before it narrowly missed the Earth over the weekend, Russian scientists said.

Vladimir Lipunov of the Moscow State University and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute said on Sunday a network of telescopes operated by his team recorded a celestial body approaching the planet.

"[The asteroid] was discovered on Friday night by our station near Lake Baikal and nine hours later it flew within 11,300 kilometers of the Earth surface, below the orbit of geostationary satellites. It was about 15 meters in size,” he said.

This is too significant to ignore. An invisible asteroid appearing with no notice on a direct trajectory with Earth could wipe out millions if it hits a city... The issue here is that when it was seen, it flew past Earth 9 hours later. Simply, that is not enough notice to provide warnings and evacuate a city if necessary...

NASA releases images of Pakistan's 'Earthquake Island'
RT News, 30th September 2013
Amidst the destruction caused by the devastating earthquake in Pakistan that killed more than 500 people, a new island emerged from the depth of the sea. NASA has released images of the newly formed islet.

NASA has released before and after photos of a new terrestrial body that was born on September 24 during a quake that struck Pakistan.

Called Zalzala Jazeera, or a an earthquake island, the terrestrial formation can now be found 380 kilometers from the earthquake’s epicenter in Paddi Zirr Bay near Swadar, Pakistan in the Arabian Sea.

Comet ISON Goes Green
Universe Today, 28th September 2013
As NASA and the European Space Agency prepare their remote photojournalists – Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers – to capture photos of Comet ISON’s flyby of Mars early next week, amateur astronomers continue to monitor and photograph the comet from backyard observatories across the blue Earth. Several recent color photos show ISON’s bright head or nucleus at the center of a puffy, green coma. Green’s a good omen – a sign the comet’s getting more active as it enters the realm of the inner solar system and sun’s embrace.

The article focuses on explaining about the poisonous gases. The reminder of old advice about hiding from poisons in the air reminds me of the biblical Passover.... World powers will take this as a major sign... If you don't understand this I can't help you.

  • First HiRISE Images of Comet ISON
    HiRise University of Arizona, 29th September 2013

  • MARS GOES COMET!!!!! (.MP3)
    The Light of the Day Radio Show, 2nd October 2013
    Comment: [6:52] Short .MP3 clip. James McCanney is wondering about the timing of the U.S. government shutdown... ALL the NASA ISON data is offline... This is a major astronomical event!!!!!! Listen to the McCanney latest radio show for more

    Source of Space Weather, Northern Lights Found In Earth's Magnetic Field, 26th September 2013
    Scientists have discovered the powerhouse for the cosmic storms in Earth's magnetic field that fuel the planet's dazzling displays of northern lights. The discovery could help scientists predict when stormy space weather could disrupt global power systems or expose astronauts to deadly radiation bursts, as well as add insight into the spectacular auroras over the Earth's polar regions. [...]

    It turned out that, though Earth's magnetic field stretches thousands of miles, the energy from the solar wind was being stored in a fairly small part of the magnetic tail that stretches behind Earth's night side. That stream of wind strengthens the magnetic field until it can't store any more energy, at which point it releases the energy in a violent burst, like a short-circuit, in the form of geomagnetic storms, said David Sibeck, a THEMIS project scientist and magnetospheric physicist who works at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, but was not involved in this study.

    The results show that "even teeny tiny microphysics and very localized processes can have consequences for the whole environment of Earth," Sibeck told Now that scientists know where these turbulent storms happen, the next step is trying to get a better picture of when they happen.

    The article tells us nothing new but I think the exercise is raising awareness of space weather because there are millions and millions that just don't get the seriousness and why and how has space weather has changed the terms and conditions for humans living on planet Earth.

    When the going gets tough, the materialistic go shopping
    Michigan State University News, 25th September 2013
    Materialistic people experience more stress from traumatic events such as terrorist attacks and are more likely to spend compulsively as a result, according to an international study led by a Michigan State University business professor.These possession-driven folks tend to have lower self-esteem than others, said Ayalla Ruvio, assistant professor of marketing in MSU's Broad College of Business.“When the going gets tough, the materialistic go shopping,” said Ruvio. “And this compulsive and impulsive spending is likely to produce even greater stress and lower well-being. Essentially, materialism appears to make bad events even worse.”

    Materialistic people are loved by wannabe billionaires exploiting those desperate for some 'enlightenment' which these days for many translates to the ability to 'attract' health, wealth and success. In reality, there is no magic but a downward spiral awaits those who get sucked in by predators making big claims. I think the biggest joke is the exercise of dressing rich people in rags, taking their ID off them and phones etc, and then throwing them onto the streets to beg for survival and money.... This is a classic way to stress out relatively rich people, take a big sledge to their self-esteem and making some even more traumatised. I believe this is done to re-inforce the spend spend spend mentality. James Ray thought this was a brilliant way to attract 'Harmonic Wealth' but look what happened there.... World class LGAT specialist and 'spider woman' Byron Katie does this exercise too and helps herself to peoples' valuables like jewellery and computers too, but I know there is a bunch of New Wage fraudsters using the exact same techniques to make a killing from vulnerable people. I would also like to point out that not all followers are the same. There are few sharks that hang around learning the ropes and when there is an opportunity they follower in their master's footsteps, and that is why I see the cult milieu has an incubator for humans spreading cult viruses.

    Famous Indian guru’s arrest on sex charges divides nation amid rise in ‘godman’ scandals
    Washington Post, 24th September 2013
    In MOTERA, India — Men lie prostrate on the floor in front of the elevated seat of their guru — the man they call Asaram Bapu. Pictures of his avuncular face, with its flowing white beard, hang everywhere in this sprawling, 30-acre ashram in western India. But these days, the guru’s enclosed wood-carved altar, where millions once worshiped him, is empty. All that’s left is a large photograph, an air purifier, blingy lights and fake red roses

    The guru, whose real name is Asumal Harpalani, is languishing in a Jodhpur jail, arrested last month on charges of sexually assaulting the 16-year-old daughter of two followers. [...] In recent years, other gurus have been charged with murder, sexual abuse, running prostitution rackets and illegal land acquisition.

    Yet the guru phenomenon has continued to grow in India — buoyed by the 24-hour religious programming on television and an increasingly stressed-out middle class seeking easy, prepackaged bliss. In recent weeks, the allegations against the mega-guru — who has a massive network of 20 million devotees and hundreds of ashrams worth an estimated $760 million — have stunned and split India.

    Why are people stunned? Being a guru is good business and molesting and raping followers are considered perks by malignant narcissists with a predator consciousness... People are just too naive... The issue is that speed of communications is catching up with these wolves in sheeps' clothing and that is why people are starting to wake up to what many of these gurus are doing. The tricks of the trade of how these bastards operate are being taught to people on the internet and many are waking up... Hence the likes of 'The American Guru' Andrew Cohen being thrown out of his own organisation when enough people campaigned against his abuse, but he is just the tip of a big iceberg of parasites with personality disorders using well honed methods to create a following of people that they can be easily controlled. Surely even Deepak Chopra must be embarrassed by his association with Cohen... Surely, he can't be that oblivious? Same for Oprah promoting James Ray who went on to kill three of his followers thus revealing the seriously dark side of the New Age movement. In my opinion, the poison lives on as people are affectively reprogrammed to spread their cult mentality. The solution is that the Cultic Milieu needs a big fat detox and de-programming because the scene is now very unhealthy and even toxic in parts. The problem is finding people who even recognise that society has a major problem. Even when it is clear that these people are dangerous and will help lead humanity to destruction, who out there gives a shit? Space weather is a major issue but do the so-called spiritual leaders care two hoots? Most are either too damn oblivious or too busy planning their next sting operations.... Btw, hapless clueless types aproaching me thinking I will co-operate to help spread their cult mentality are wasting their %&ç*)(/ time. It's war as far as I am concerned. Update: Sigh! The article basically tells us that modern day "Dharma Lite" narcissistic amd materialistic fast-track spirituality has now become popular in India. The devotee quoted here who does not think he is stupid for following Harpalani, still does not realise that he is dealing with someone selling spirituality. A salesman does not need to believe in his product, he just has to convince the buyer that the product is beneficial and this is what simply naive people completely miss. Con-man is short for confidence trickster, and Indian gurus are now purchasing how-to manuals using techniques studied by academics and refined in the West over the last four decades. Creating a following is big business and is best achieved by salemen who know how to sell using specific techniques of manipulation. Anyone who is interested can educate themselves but most prefer tinsel-town teachings and refuse to examine what exactly is being sold and by what means. I think the problem for gurus with large followings is that it is impossible to maintain high levels of brainwashing on all those who can discover that they are really a con-artist. Maintaining a false personality 24/7 is impossible and often people notice. The real issue is identifying people who will blow the whistle and run a campaign against you exposing the fraud.... Since I am paying attention to many instances of people who feel betrayed running long campaigns, I am quite convinced that we are only seeing the start of a major backlash.

    Pakistan quake island off Gwadar 'emits flammable gas'
    BBC News, 25th September 2013
    "There were dead fish on the surface. And on one side we could hear the hissing sound of the escaping gas," Mr Baloch said. Although they couldn't smell gas, they did put a match to the fissures from where it was oozing, and set it on fire. "We put the fire out in the end, but it was quite a hassle. Not even the water could kill it, unless one poured buckets over it." [...]

    Rashid Tabrez, the director-general of the Karachi-based National Institute of Oceanography, says the energy released by the seismic movements of these fault-lines activates inflammable gases in the seabed. "The seabed near the Makran coast has vast deposits of gas hydrates, or frozen gas having a large methane content," he explained. "These deposits lay compressed under a sediment bed that is 300m-800m thick."

    Seriously.... Putting a match to the top of a new volcano that is hissing away... The whole island could have just gone boom! Sometimes, I wonder whether calling people stupid is just stupid when it is clear there are a lot of people incapable or using reason or logic...
    • Volcanism is culprit behind sudden appearance of island off Pakistan’s coast
      Extinction Protocol, 25th September 2013
      [..] Researchers at the United States Geological Survey are investigating the new formation, Paul Earle, a USGS geophysicist told NBC News, but have yet to get independent confirmation of it. It is clear that “the islands are not created because the ground was … pushed up by the earthquake,” he said, but more likely it was a secondary effect of shifting sediments. He also agrees the formation appears to have been caused by a mud volcano, but added that they don’t need an earthquake to set them off. NBC News

      I think the issue of high volcanic activity is only just starting to get serious... Actually, this has made me think of an incident when a submarine smashed into a underwater mountain that "should not have been there...." So, with all the recent reports, I am sure scientists and military are being kept very busy monitoring volcanic activity: on the land; in the seas and oceans; and in the atmosphere... If you are a newbie, there is some info in the archives about volcanism and climate change. Also, it looks like scientists wanting to use state-of-the-art detection systems to cap dangerous volcanoes before they blow volcanic ash sky high into the atmosphere and cause a volcanic winter is looking like commonsense, but we don't live in world run by commonsense. As many people now realise, lunatics are running an wide assortment of government sponsored asylums....

    Spider webs cover North Texas overnight
    WFAA News, 25th September 2013
    DALLAS –– Across North Texas, thin, sticky white threads appeared to float in midair on Wednesday morning. They ended up attached to buildings and vehicles, illuminated by the morning sunrise. So, what are they? Spider webs.

    The strands were filled with tiny spiders as part of their annual migratory process. They ended up floating in the air because it was so still, explained Patrick Dickinson of the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. “The wind that we are getting this time of year off of the Gulf of Mexico picks up the silt and the spiders are able to float from tree-to-tree, building-to-building and plant-to-plant,” Dickinson said.

    The cool overnight temperatures triggered the spider eggs to hatch. The newborns then climbed to the highest point they could find and released webs that lifted them into the air. If the wind is right, some can travel for miles, leaving dozens of feet of webbing behind. [...] Dickinson said the migratory method is common for a variety of spider species.

    I think the explanation sounds totally implausible.... Have you ever heard of spiders migrating enmasse and creating webs as they go? sarc on/ Heh do you know if the weathermen use radar to spot spiders in flight and make predictions about where they will land and cause a mess? /sarc off ... The info online about migrating spiders is sparse besides a few varieties of ballooning spiders that according to Wikipedia can only travel a few metres, but see more below... So, I think this explanation was made up by someone in authority who was in a state of panic about what they should say... Just wow... At the moment someone independent needs to test these 'webs' to make sure they are even from spiders it could be UFO angel hair or chemtrail residue... Conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day...The other thing is the state of Earth's magnetic field and evidence that stuff being suspended high up in the atmosphere can come down rather suddenly when conditions change.... I am not an expert in spiders but don't spiders need time to spin their webs, so where is the evidence of the spiders? I am sure there are many doubters and conspiracy theorists who seriously don't think this has anything to do with spiders...
    • Mysterious angel hair phenomenon often reported after UFO sightings
      Pravda, 30th May 2007
      There are times when “angel’s hair” falls out from a clear blue sky. Residents of the city of Montgomery in the United States reported the fall of “flying web type substance” in 1898. According to the description provided by eyewitnesses, the threads of the material resembled somewhat fluorescent asbestos fibers. On February 10, 1978, a large number of sticky fibers were falling from the sky for two hours in the vicinity of the coastal city of Samaru, New Zealand. The fibers appeared to be “considerably finer than cobwebs” yet clearly visible against a clear blue sky.

      This article is very interesting...

    • Spiders Blanket The Sky In Brazil (VIDEO)
      Gadling News, 10th February 2013
      As many of us in the northeast scramble because of heavy snow and delayed flights, at least we can rest assured knowing we don't have it as bad as these people in Brazil. The terrifying video above shows a strange phenomenon: thousands of spiders dangling in the sky. According to Gawker, the footage comes from the southern Brazilian town of Santo Ant๔nio da Platina, and was posted online earlier this week by 20-year-old web designer Erick Reis as he was leaving a friend's engagement party. A bad omen, perhaps?

      Brazilian news outlet G1 spoke with a local biologist who says the spider activity is actually quite normal. He identified the species as Anelosimus eximius, a "social spider" known for its massive colonies that create blankets of webs. The behavior might also seem familiar to people in Chicago, where each year the city experiences an influx of "flying spiders" – so many that earlier this year the Hilton's Magnificent Miles Suites hotel formally requested guests keep their windows shut to avoid the annual migration. This species, known as Larinioides sclopetarius, spin their silk into balloon-like formations and ride lakefront air currents to crevices in high rises downtown.

    • “Ballooning” Spiders Fly Without Wind
      Discover Magazine, 23rd September 2013
      Gossamer spiders are best known for their bizarre “ballooning” stunts, but it’s only this week that we’ve learned how they pull them off. They disperse by spinning strands of silk into the open air, which allows them to float through the atmosphere miles above the surface of the earth and out to sea far beyond the reach of land. [...]

      But this week a researcher in Hawaii determined that it wasn’t wind’s thermal currents that gave the spiders lift. Their flight, he determined, is actually electrostatic. Some of that charge comes from the electrostatic field of Earth’s atmosphere. Some charge comes from friction between the silk and dry air. The rest is thought to result from the spinning process and the launch surface itself. As described in the paper published recently in arXiv:
      The presence of this charge will lead both to mutual repulsion among the emitted strands, and an additional overall induced electrostatic force on the spider, providing a component of lift that is independent of convection or aerodynamic effects.
      As reported in The Physics arXiv blog:
      This idea accounts for all the previously unexplained ballooning phenomena. For example, it explains how spiders achieve such a high velocity in conditions of little or no wind. It also explains how such large spiders are able to generate lift. These produce several strands that each acquire charge and generate lift. And it explains why these strands fan out from each other—because their negative charges repel.

      I am very suspicious about this very recent article when there is so little about spider migration in general, BUT the reason scientists may have been quiet might be because these little critters are being carried aloft by strong electromagnetic and electrostatic forces. Since meteorologists and scientists in general have major problems acknowledging the role of the electrogmagnetic force that supports a more sophisticated understanding of what is going on in the atmosphere (THEY DON'T HAVE SUITABLE ACADEMIC TRAINING), the recent extreme geomagnetic levels must be causing some serious embarrassment... (Those atmospheric rivers carrying humongous amounts of water across the globe suddenly now becoming very erratic and causing massive flooding are difficult to explain without considering the fact that the electromagnetic force is 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity... ) Anyway, we have got a few answers here because it looks like some hapless scientist not sufficiently brainwashed enough in Tier II/III/IV science, looked at the facts and decides these critters are managing to surf due to electromagnetic forces as it is impossible to blame it on the wind at times when there is NO WIND.... It is also made me think about that levitating frog embarrassing NASA at a rocket launch..... Surely, NASA would not use some banned technology to help rockets lift-off and evade gravity? /sarc off

    Atomic Weight Changed for 19 Elements
    Live Science, 24th September 2013
    Nineteen elements on the periodic table — including gold, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum — are getting their atomic weights adjusted.

    The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announced that they've approved new weights for the elements thanks to more precise measurements and better calculations of the abundance of certain isotopes (atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons).

    The standard atomic weight is the average mass of an element in atomic mass units. One atomic mass unit, or amu, is equal to 1/12 the mass of a single carbon-12 atom. (To put that in perspective, a single carbon atom is roughly equal to 5.857 × 10^-26 ounces.)

    Hmmmmm..... I am not a chemist but they have even made a change for gold yet in June 2013 the article below stated gold was stable... Some honest expert opinion is need to help us confirm what is going on... my best guess was that the impact of more cosmic rays is now becoming noticeable, see archives BUT now they have altered gold I am wondering again...
    • Atomic weights of 10 elements to be altered
      The adjustments planned for the Periodic Table of the Elements will more accurately reflect the nature of 10 types of atoms, including carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
      Los Angeles Times, 14th December 2010 Flashback!
      Call it Extreme Makeover: Chemistry Edition.

    • Atomic Weights Tweaked for 5 Elements
      Live Science, 14th June 2013 Flashback!
      Standard atomic weights, those numbers emblazoned under the elements on the periodic table, were once thought of as unchanging constants of nature.

      But researchers have tweaked the atomic weights of five elements — magnesium, bromine, germanium, indium and mercury — in a new table published by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

      To calculate standard atomic weight, scientists have traditionally averaged the weights of the stable variations of an element known as isotopes. [...]

      Standard atomic weight also depends on how common an element's stable isotopes are. In other words, the more plentiful an isotope, the more it will influence the average. But the abundance of an isotope can also vary from place to place on Earth, leading to differences in an element's atomic weight depending on its context. [...]

      The changes aren't unprecedented. In 2010, the IUPAC replaced standard atomic weights with intervals for hydrogen, lithium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, chlorine and thallium. Elements like fluorine, aluminum, sodium and gold have just one stable isotope and thus do not exhibit variations in their atomic weights.

    Kenya shopping mall attack: Four-year-old British boy freed and given Mars bar after telling armed militant 'you’re a bad man'
    Young Elliott Prior bravely stood up to the gunman
    Independent News, 24th September 2013
    A four-year-old British boy survived the Kenya shopping mall attack after telling an armed jihadist ‘you’re a bad man’, according to the boy's uncle who has given an interview to a UK newspaper.

    After apparently seeing his mother shot in the thigh, young Elliott Prior is said to have confronted the gunman shouting “you’re a bad man, let us leave”.

    Incredibly the gunman in understood to have took pity on Elliott and his six-year-old sister Amelie, giving the pair a Mars bar each and allowing them and their mother to leave the chaotic shopping mall in the middle of the terror attack.

    Well said...

    Quake kills 45 in Pakistan, creates new island in sea
    Reuters, 24th September 2013
    (Reuters) - A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

    Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles (kilometers) to the east, where buildings shook, as well as the sprawling port city of Karachi in Pakistan.

    The United States Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude quake struck 145 miles southeast of Dalbandin in Pakistan's quake-prone province of Baluchistan, which borders Iran.

    There was not even a tsunami warning, is this Earth changes on steroids?
    • Pakistan 7.7 Earthquake: 46 Dead
      CNN, 24th September 2013
      Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A deadly 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The death toll rose quickly, with at least 46 deaths reported in Awaran in Balochistan province, provincial Home Secretary Asad Gilani said. In addition to the fatalities, "dozens have been injured," Gilani said. Officials fear people are trapped in rubble.

    • Gwadar coast – A New island emerges off after earthquake [VIDEO]
      News, 24th September 2013
      GWADAR: A rock-like island has emerged some 1.5 kilometers off Gwadar following earthquake, officials say. According to DIG Gwadar, a similar island had appeared in Hangal in the coastal area of Lasbela four years ago.

      The quake struck at 4:29 pm local time (1129 GMT) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Balochistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres. USGS originally measured the earthquake at magnitude 7.4 and 29 kilometres deep but later revised their figure. Pakistan’s meteorological office gave the magnitude as 7.7. On the Gwadar coastline, the quake created a small island about half a mile into the sea near an area called ‘Jhanda’.

    • Earthquake in Balochistan: Death toll touches 150
      Tribune Express, 24th September 2013
      A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing hundreds in Balochistan, besides creating a new island off the Gwadar coastline in its wake, Express News reported. Tremors were felt as far as the Indian capital New Delhi. The Deputy Speaker Balochistan Assembly stated that at least 150 people had died from the disaster. There is another photo of this island here...

    • Massive earthquake in Pakistan – At least 50 killed and 100's injured – estimated damage : 100 million US$, 24th September 2013
      This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes...

    • GWADAR: A rock-like island [PHOTO ONLY], 24th September 2013

    AURORA SURPRISE - Swings Compass, 23rd September 2013
    AURORA SURPRISE: Last night in Norway, compass needles swung 1o away from normal and electric currents began to flow through the ground. For nearly an hour, a local geomagnetic storm occured over the northern part of the country. Rob Stammes recorded the phenomanon from his laboratory at the Polarlightcenter in Lofoten:

    The previous day at it only stated:
    SLIGHT CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Sept. 23-24. That's when a minor CME could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

    How the Arctic Seed Vault and Apocalypse Entwine With Climate Change
    Gizmodo News, September 2013
    Since 2007, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault has maintained a repository of the world’s agricultural heritage. A series of tunnels bored into the side of a mountain, this vault is climate-controlled, secure against tectonic activity or sea-level rise, and designed to hold up to 4.5 million different seed varieties for centuries to come. Built 900km north of Europe in Svalbard, a barren archipelago in Norway, it sits on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, containing duplicate specimens from other seed vaults scattered throughout the world. There are more than 1,000 crop diversity collections worldwide, but the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard was built away from civilisation because it is the fail-safe, the insurance policy, the last resort.

    Since its inception, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault has repeatedly evoked a sense of the apocalypse. Everyone from Fox News to Wired magazine has used the unofficial nickname ‘doomsday seed vault’ to refer to the project, and it is routinely described as a last haven and refuge for plant biodiversity should some global catastrophe destroy the world’s crops. ‘The “doomsday” vault is designed to keep millions of seed samples safe from natural and unnatural disasters: global warming, asteroid strikes, plant diseases, nuclear warfare, and even earthquakes,’National Geographic reported in 2008. Wired, in 2011, referred to it as ‘the world’s insurance policy against botanical holocaust’.

    I am not even sure what the point of this article is about. Whatever. As a reminder, one of the original articles concerning this vault appeared in the New Scientist in January 2006, Doomsday vault to avert world famine. copy. It revealed that the Norwegian government had announced that they would build a vault to store seeds in a mountainside on the island of Svalbard 1,000 km (600 miles) from the North Pole. It was described as a “Noah’s Ark” by the Norwegian Agriculture and Food Minister and the vault’s purpose was to enable survivors of a global disaster to re-seed Earth. One reason given for this planning was the possibility of a complete breakdown of global electricity supplies, but no mention is given of why this would occur besides, "If the worst came to the worst, the seed vault would allow the world to reconstruct agriculture on this planet". According to various government officials, scientists and engineers, the worst is coming, the issue is how soon...

    James Rawles Warns: “Be Prepared To Hunker Down For Months”
    SHTF News, 22nd September 2013
    As you consider the threats we face and the options available to you should the worst happen, you have no doubt played out numerous scenarios surrounding the effects of a total collapse event that would bring down the national power grid. Be it a cyber attack which DHS Secretary Napolitano says has a 100% likelihood of occurring, a super-EMP weapon being detonated in the skies of America, or a natural disaster involving a highly charged coronal mass ejection from the sun, the possibility is quite realistic.

    Some have escaped major cities and headed for the hills, but considering that the majority of the U.S. population is centered in 146 of the country’s 3000 counties, chances are most of us will find ourselves in the middle of the worst that humanity has to offer.

    I suppose there are many naysayers who refuse to look at the warnings from many different sources that our so-called techno-civilisation could quickly collapse if the plug is literally pulled (national power grids collapse). Actually there are many different disaster scenarios and the United States gets a fair share on a regular basis, hence the growth of U.S. disaster preppers who realise they have no other choice. The most intriguing warning that I have come across is NASA warning their own employees to be disaster ready, but nothing specific disclosed as to why the advice was given... Whatever, most agree the worse place to be will be in the cities with lots of crazed/angry/desperate/predator types with guns or other weapons... that and the fear that members of various government agencies will have orders to shoot anything that moves...

    Formation of Unusual Ring of Radiation Around Earth Explained
    Science Daily, 22nd September 2013
    Since the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts in 1958, space scientists have believed these belts encircling Earth consist of two doughnut-shaped rings of highly charged particles -- an inner ring of high-energy electrons and energetic positive ions and an outer ring of high-energy electrons.

    In February of this year, a team of scientists reported the surprising discovery of a previously unknown third radiation ring -- a narrow one that briefly appeared between the inner and outer rings in September 2012 and persisted for a month. [...]

    "This study shows that completely different populations of particles exist in space that change on different timescales, are driven by different physics and show very different spatial structures," Shprits said.

    Its no surprise that space scientists are seeing new physics in space because the conditions in space have changed. There are many different reports of new types of high energy plasma manifestations. We know that we are seeing high energy manifestations because plasma physicists can easily demonstrate this in a laboratory setting to explain what can be seen in our own solar system and beyond.

    Deep Impact Probe Dead
    NASA comet craft loses contact Spokesman Review, 21st September 2013
    LOS ANGELES – A spacecraft that gave scientists their first peek into a comet’s icy interior will explore no more, NASA said Friday. The space agency declared an end to the Deep Impact spacecraft after it unexpectedly fell silent. Engineers tried for a month to regain contact, but lost hope.

    A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics
    Quanta Magazine, 17th September 2013
    Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality.

    “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been following the work.

    The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory, the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions. Interactions that were previously calculated with mathematical formulas thousands of terms long can now be described by computing the volume of the corresponding jewel-like “amplituhedron,” which yields an equivalent one-term expression.

    “The degree of efficiency is mind-boggling,” said Jacob Bourjaily, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University and one of the researchers who developed the new idea. “You can easily do, on paper, computations that were infeasible even with a computer before.” [...]

    The amplituhedron looks like an intricate, multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated...

    This announcement is very significant for those who have seriously considered that our universe is the product of information as explained in the book, Reality Revealed: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality (1978), by authors Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan. I was convinced enough to provide a brief introduction in my book to support other metaphysical insights concerning the nature of our reality, but other recent announcements re diamond crystals and quantum computing have only strengthened the case.

    Everything you need to know about Comet ISON in 2013
    Earth & Sky, 17th September 2013
    Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) has been the most talked-about comet of 2013. When discovered in late 2012, it was said to have the potential to become a striking object visible to the eye alone around the time of its perihelion – or closest point to the sun – on November 28, 2013. People started saying Comet ISON and comet of the century in the same sentence. In June and July 2013, Comet ISON was behind the sun as seen from Earth, but when it was recovered in early August, it wasn’t as bright as hoped. What will happen with Comet ISON in the remaining months of 2013? Comets are notoriously unpredictable, but it’s safe to say that many are waiting to see if Comet ISON will sizzle … or fizzle.
    • Is there a real threat from comet ison this fall?
      Psychic Focus Sessions, 1st September 2013
      Is there a real threat from comet ison this all?

      A. It looks to me that, we do not get hit by a comet, but some debris around the comet makes it's way into our atmosphere. And it looks like it hits, either in, or really close to Greenlands, like the northern part of Greenland. And that is what causes, those huge chunks of ice to break apart, and then it starts this weather chain reaction. I see New York, and the Northern states above New York, hit with a lot of snow, almost blizzard like, and I keep flashing to that movie we watched, the one with all the snow at the station. The Day After Tomorrow. My mind just wants to focus on the snow in that movie. I keep seeing December with that also. Like we will see all that snow in December.

      Updated: Since I think the woman at psychicfocus.blogspot is gifted and fairly sensible in how she reports her insights, I am interested in her opinion. Since she does not give a name, I have decided to call the 'The Focus lady'. She has no scientific training but I prefer a good savant that only descibes what the can see or intuit so that scientific and analytical skills can used to work out what is really going on. So, if you have been following Comet ISON news, then you will know that NASA scientists have already informed us that our atmosphere is going to be at least mildly polluted by Comet ISON (see link below) but of course, most people are not interested in this news that should set alarms bells ringing... Anyway, I am glad The Focus lady has made it clear 'The Red Comet' is not Comet ISON because 'The Red Comet' is Comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and that is VERY VERY RED COMET see archives for a VATT image and info. Well, what is interesting is the rising number of people in the blogosphere reporting their dreams of what appears to be some sort of major tsunami disaster, but the suspected locations mostly in the United States vary... I am actually not convinced at all about Arctic ice breaking up but I have spent relatively very little time studying rising sea levels (or lack) and melting Arctic ice (or not). This is standard fare over at various climate skeptic blogs such as Watts Up With That... Meanwhile, world experts are adamant that the Arctic icecap is going to disappear, but a catastrophic event with huge chunks breaking up at once seems like sheer fantasy... In terms of science, some force has to be applied to cause the breakup and I think they already exist... There are already constant reports of booming and "sky noises" in the atmosphere which suggests that Earth is already processing/releasing tremendous amounts of energy... Then there are Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGFs, extreme black hole energies that nobody can explain why this energy is being released in the Earth's atmosphere above the clouds... read the archives, we have now gone from 50 blasts to 500 blasts a day all over the planet and if you are flying too close when a blast goes off, you are going to get fried with excessive radiation... that is official. Still, is there such a thing as a tipping point? What new state of affairs can we expect? Actually, one extreme is the so-called "magnetic reconnection" blasts in the atmosphere and airbursts over an entire continent like the one that ended the Clovis culture in the United States circa 13,000 years ago.... Theoretically, I suppose it is feasible that some kind of electromagnetic interaction could cause a chain reaction but I don't know (I don't know if anyone knows) what could cause a catastrophic icecap breakup and I have never come across a historical precedent. Whatever, we will not have long to find out if this is true but the Focus lady was wrong with trying to give dates for the start of The Red Comet interferring with electronics; she does not even know its official name or that it has not arrived into the inner solar system yet... Whatever, Pope Benedict XVI warned us in Feb 2013 that “The time of testing is here”.... Since it is clear Vatican astronomers have been keenly watching out for certain cosmic objects and recently apologised for the calendars being wrong (why now?) we can only presume that they are expecting trouble... Btw, I think there is an historic precedent for big comets triggering massive geophysical upheavals and I think the geophysical rumblings around the New Madrid Fault and talk of a new ocean basins and the United States being split is still geophysically on the cards, see The New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-12.

    • Comet ISON Meteor Shower
      NASA Science News, 19th April 2013 Flashback!
      April 19, 2013: Anticipation is building as Comet ISON plunges into the inner solar system for a close encounter with the sun in November 2013. Blasted at point-blank range by solar radiation, the sungrazer will likely become one of the finest comets in many years.

      When NASA's Swift spacecraft observed the comet in January 2013, it was still near the orbit of Jupiter, but already very active. More than 112,000 pounds of dust were spewing from the comet's nucleus every minute. It turns out, some of that dust might end up on Earth.

      Veteran meteor researcher Paul Wiegert of the University of Western Ontario has been using a computer to model the trajectory of dust ejected by Comet ISON, and his findings suggest that an unusual meteor shower could be in the offing. "For several days around January 12, 2014, Earth will pass through a stream of fine-grained debris from Comet ISON," says Wiegert. "The resulting shower could have some interesting properties. [...] While the dust is “up there,” it could produce noctilucent clouds (NLCs).

    Super Typhoon Usagi, 'world's strongest storm of 2013', heading for Hong Kong
    South China Morning Post, 21st September 2013
    [...] Winds of 205 kilometers per hour were expected to bring torrential rain and destructive gusts. Philippine weather bureau forecaster Alvin Pura said the super typhoon had gathered strength and speed with gusts reaching 240 kph.

    “It is the strongest typhoon in the west Pacific region this year,” a weather forecaster at the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau said. "Usagi is this year's most powerful tropical storm by wind speed anywhere in the world," Cheng Ming-Dean, director of Taiwan’s Weather Bureau added. [] It was difficult at the present time to estimate whether Usagi would hit Hong Kong head-on, he said, because the typhoon is still a long way from the city.

    “A slight change of direction can make a considerable difference in terms of its impact on Hong Kong,” the spokesman explained. Taiwan's authorities urged residents on southern parts of the island to carry out precautionary measures as Usagi approaches. China's state news agency Xinhua reported a "yellow alert" had been issued as the storm approaches.

    According to the comments here, super typhoon Usagi will hit Hong Kong at high tide generating a storm surge that will be 2 metres of water higher than normal. This scenario looks similar to what happened with Superstorm Sandy that was not even a hurricane when it hit land, but the damage in New York was horrendous. Despite the warnings that big coastal cities are not prepared to cope with major disasters, it seems that reality waits for no man and it will be interesting to see what happens. More Info at the UK Independent Strongest Storm For 30 Years Is Heading For Hong Kong

    Yale Professor: Fukushima Unit 4 pool in perilous condition — “All of humanity will be threatened for thousands of years” if not able to be kept cool — Danger of collapse during storm or while attempting removal of fuel rods
    Energy News, 20th September 2013
    Title: Fukushima Forever
    Source: Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (via Huffington Post)
    Author: Charles Perrow, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Yale University
    Date: Sept 20, 2013

    [...] Much more serious is the danger that the spent fuel rod pool at the top of the nuclear plant number four will collapse in a storm or an earthquake, or in a failed attempt to carefully remove each of the 1,535 rods and safely transport them to the common storage pool 50 meters away. Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable. The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo. Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years. [...]

    Emeritus Professor Charles Perrow has got his pension now so he is not too concerned about being threatened to keep quiet... So, we have an academic who has now decided keeping quiet about the dangers of Fukushima is no longer such a clever idea... He might actually be intelligent enough to be concerned about the future of mankind or even his own grand-children...

    Climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
    Daily Mail, 19th September 2013
    * Leaked United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
    * Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft
    * Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change

    Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.

    A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final draft.

    Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which scientists have so far struggled to explain.

    The report is the result of six years’ work by UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing it – on which governments including Britain’s base their green policies.

    In trying to predict the consequences of massive cosmic changes affecting the whole planet, most government sponsored scientists initially bet on the wrong horse -- global atmospheric warming temperatures ... The 'heat' which is being generated by additional electromagnetic flux (just check the archives for the facts here), appears to be going into Earth's core and mantle and one outcome is the appearance of thousands of new undersea volcanoes which will cause climate change... The warming oceans are generating most of the additional CO2 NOT human activity... The continuous lying to the public about the cause of climate change so that the masses can be more heavily fleeced, manipulated and controlled is not working, but control freaks in government don't appear to know any other way to operate... Thus, the execution of government and big business backed climate based fraud has been done very very badly. More comment at Climate Depot .

    Diamond-Shaped UFO Captured On Nebraska Live TV Towercam (VIDEO)
    Huffington Post, 19th September 2013
    A diamond-shaped hovering UFO appeared over Lincoln, Neb., on Sept. 4 and was videotaped by the towercam of ABC's KLKN television affiliate.

    The twinkling, color-changing object remained in the sky for 45 minutes and was reported live on the air by KLKN's morning meteorologist Sean McMullen until it finally disappeared at sunrise.

    "I have never seen anything like this before. I even say that several times while I'm on the air describing the object, because I want to let people know even I don't know what this is," McMullen said in a story posted by KLKN reporter Jenn Schanz.

    Whenever I see strong geometric UAPs, I tend to wonder if this is a plasma entity, data drop or both... If The Theory of Multi Dimensional Reality is more or less correct, then who really knows whether these objects are just huge chunks of Earth programming code being dropped onto our planet or not... Despite the complete lack of interest by most so-called spiritual leaders who do not seem to understand much about our spiritual reality, it seems the planetary refresh and transformation of our planet continues unabated. Whether humans understand what is going on or not is all rather irrelevant to new arrivals, as there is no authority on this planet that can do anything to stop the appearance of these plasma entities....

    Like a rock: Church of meteorite set up by worshippers of famous space debris
    RT News, 17th September 2013
    A ‘Church of the Meteorite’ has been set up in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Its members worship the space rock which streaked across the sky and rocked the region in February, injuring over 1,600 people, and causing damage and furor on the ground.

    While scientists have long confirmed that the space rock that hit Russia’s Urals Mountains on February 15 is “an ordinary chondrite” (the most common type of meteorite that falls to Earth), the founder of the Church of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite believes it contains “a set of moral and legal norms that will help people live at a new stage of spiritual knowledge development.”

    Paranormalist Andrey Breyvichko says the meteorite, estimated at 10,000 metric tons, is so powerful it could actually trigger the Apocalypse. [...]

    There are currently about 50 believers in the Church of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite. These days they are busy holding rites on the shores of the lake, trying to protect the meteorite by building “protective barriers” around it, reported.

    It looks like the the founder of the Church of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite wants Chelyabinsk to become the next Mecca.... Meteorite worship is already standard religious business for some, so I suppose by his logic, the aim of starting his own religion with all the standard trappings is quite possible... Whatever, this is another wonderful example of a predator going after the most gullible... Make a big ridiculous claim and see who sucks it up and comes looking for more... The problem is that predators and con-men often come in all guises to attract people with all different levels of education and intellectual ability... For the people who think this is funny, I just have to say there are probably frauds out there that you still think are kosher... During my last 7 years of research into the dark side of the cultic milieu, I have been stunned many many times by the plausible sounding respectable Big Name fraud often armed with fake academic Ph.D. qualifications (some have even fooled universities wanting to give them an Honourary Degree...) That is the reason why I warn that the cultic milieu is truly shark infested warnings... As a researcher, it is a fact that after busting a gut, an assortment of sharks have appeared wanting to profit from my hard work... Usually they want to integrate my research with standard New Age crappy teachings to create their own cult bait... I have quite a collection of emails dated over the last 8 years or so from these fookers making false promises and/or demanding my raw research and book manuscripts... The big question is: why do so few even care about truth, especially warnings about the risk to the future of humanity? Well, the issue is that far too many people are ignorant and uneducated and don't have any real perspective, so it is impossible for them to understand why the truth really matters.

    Space Weather May Be to Blame for Some Satellite Failures
    Science Daily, 16th September 2013
    Is your cable television on the fritz? One explanation, scientists suspect, may be the weather -- the weather in space, that is.

    Lohmeyer says a better understanding of space weather's effects on satellites is needed not just for current fleets, but also for the next generation of communications satellites.

    "Users are starting to demand more capabilities," Lohmeyer notes. "They want to start video-streaming data, they want to communicate faster with higher data rates. So design is changing -- along with susceptibilities to space weather and radiation that didn't used to exist, but are now becoming a problem."

    I think the article is trying to say that space weather forecasting is providing a false sense of security because it is a lot more complicated than a solar flare, CME blast or a geomagnetic storm on Earth... The stop and think attribute does not work for many because most don't know how to think... Whatever, one day there will be a particularly bad geomagnetic storm and that it will be obvious that satellites have been affected when our technological modern world comes to a screeching halt... the only problem will be is that national power grids might be wiped out too... For the ignoranti who think this perspective is alarmist, I recommend re-reading the Russian Planetophysical Report (1998) link where we were told in plain English what was happening in our solar system that was affecting our sun and every planet in our solar system.

    Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet Just When Its Activity Should Be Highest
    Wired News, 16th September 2013
    [...] “Quite frankly, we’re not very good at solar cycle predictions,” said Rutledge.

    Considering that this solar cycle is the weakest in more than a century, some researchers are already predicting that it could be the start of an ebb in overall activity, with several more low cycles ahead. The website, which monitors the sun’s activity, also suggested that this lull could signal a double-peaked solar cycle whose valley we are currently experiencing. But Rutledge pointed out that our fundamental understanding of how the sun works is still incomplete. The sun could remain quiet or an uptick in activity, including the possibility of extreme space weather, could come at any time.

    The final sentence is rather curious: "Within a week or so, solar activity should return to normal." So what exactly does Rutledge think is going to trigger the Sun from its lowest ebb in a century? Comet ISON?

    It's a shock: Life on Earth may have come from out of this world
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 15th September 2013
    A group of international scientists including a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researcher have confirmed that life really could have come from out of this world.

    The team shock compressed an icy mixture, similar to what is found in comets, which then created a number of amino acids - the building blocks of life. The research appears in advanced online publication Sept. 15 on the Nature Geoscience journal website.

    This is the first experimental confirmation of what LLNL scientist Nir Goldman first predicted in 2010 and again in 2013 using computer simulations performed on LLNL's supercomputers, including Rzcereal and Aztec.

    Goldman's initial research found that the impact of icy comets crashing into Earth billions of years ago could have produced a variety of prebiotic or life-building compounds, including amino acids. Amino acids are critical to life and serve as the building blocks of proteins. His work predicted that the simple molecules found in comets (such as water, ammonia, methanol and carbon dioxide) could have supplied the raw materials, and the impact with early Earth would have yielded an abundant supply of energy to drive this prebiotic chemistry.

    I suppose this is a massive step for scientists who have desperately tried to debunk a variety of Panspermia related theory and evidence over many decades. As this comes from the top flight Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, I believe this signals a paradigm shift. For those who can think, the implications are enormous.... However, this announcement could be part of a deliberate and manufactured paradigm shift to bring the ignoranti masses into the realisation that humans are most certainly not alone.

    Killer robots and crippling cyber attacks: How the world is going to end - according to super brains such as Stephen Hawking
    Daily Mail, 13th September 2013
    * Members of a society, which includes Stephen Hawking and Robert May, will identify threats to humanity and devise ways of ensuring its survival
    * The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) is led by the Astronomer Royal and Cambridge don Martin Rees
    * Lord Rees believes the main threats to sustained human existence now come from people, not from nature

    They are an improbable group of superheroes. But some of Britain's greatest minds have got together to focus their powers on saving humanity from itself.

    Led by the Astronomer Royal and Cambridge don Martin Rees, famous thinkers such as physicist Stephen Hawking and former Government chief scientist Robert May have formed a society to draw up a doomsday list of risks that could wipe out mankind.

    From crippling cyber-attacks by terrorists using the internet to cause havoc, to the release of engineered diseases and killer computers, they warn the future is far from rosy. [...]

    'The ones that we are not so well aware of are the technological threats.

    Our reliance on technology leaves us vulnerable to it. We use interconnected systems for everything from power, to food supply and banking, which means there can be real trouble if things go wrong or they are sabotaged.

    'In a modern, efficient world, we no longer stockpile food. If the supply is disrupted for any reason, it would take about 48-hours before it runs out and riots begin. So on a practical level, individuals should keep some non-perishable items at home.

    'Energy security is also an issue, as we import much of our fuel from abroad, so a conflict over resources in the future is possible.'

    I missed this... It seems that academics at Oxford and Cambridge have woken up to the reality that the mentality of humans is now a major threat to the survival of humanity.... The penny has well and truly dropped... These guys sound like would be disaster preppers... I wonder if any of them watched the UK CH4 documentary Blackout... you would have to be truly stupid to miss the point there.... So, anybody with any intelligence knows that nationwide blackouts can only induced by a major space weather event (the U.S. have their national grid power down drill in mid November), so it seems even the super-intelligent have realised that they willl not be immune from the repercussions of a big blast of reality... Told ya so...
    • The Cambridge Project for Existential Risk
      Cambridge University, September 2013

    • Future of Humanity Institute
      Oxford University, September 2013

    • Existential Risk Prevention as Global Priority
      Nick Bostrum Oxford University, 30th September 2013
      ABSTRACT: Existential risks are those that threaten the entire future of humanity. Many theories of value imply that even relatively small reductions in net existential risk have enormous expected value. Despite their importance, issues surrounding human-extinction risks and related hazards remain poorly understood. In this paper, I clarify the concept of existential risk and develop an improved classification scheme. I discuss the relation between existential risks and basic issues in axiology, and show how existential risk reduction (via the maxipok rule) can serve as a strongly action-guiding principle for utilitarian concerns. I also show how the notion of existential risk suggests a new way of thinking about the ideal of sustainability.

    Half-ton fragment of Russian meteorite located on lakebed
    RT News, 11th September 2013
    A date stone-shaped fragment of the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite weighting several hundred kilograms was located on the bed of a lake in the Urals. Divers are planning to start recovery of the celestial object later this week.

    The fragment of the meteorite, which exploded high over Russia’s Chelyabinsk region in February, injuring more than 1,600 people and causing plenty of damage and much excitement on the ground, was discovered with sonar survey of Lake Chebarkul. []

    The fragment is the largest by a great margin found from the blast event, which was the most powerful of its kind since the Tunguska Event in 1908. Previously only several dozen fragments weighting up to a few kilograms were discovered and studied.

    Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat
    RT News, 15th September 2013
    As the escape of radiation at Fukushima seems virtually unstoppable, there are still steps that governments all over the world should take to prevent worst case consequences. One of them would be canceling the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

    Scientific estimates predict that the radioactive plume travelling east across the Pacific will likely hit the shores of Oregon, Washington State and Canada early next year. California will probably be impacted later that year. Because the ongoing flow of water from the reactor site will be virtually impossible to stop, a radioactive plume will continue to migrate across the Pacific affecting Hawaii, North America, South America and eventually Australia for many decades.

    A nice summary of the Fukushima nightmare. Question: how can there be no problem hosting the 2020 Tokyo olympics when building 4 cooling pool is still at risk of catching fire, "releasing the radioactive equivalent of 14,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs and 10 times more cesium than Chernobyl"? In this event, the Northern Hemisphere would become badly contaminated and the Japanese government could be forced to evacuate 35 million people from Tokyo.... You have to seriously wonder what medication Japanese officials are taking... More headlines at Energy News, including Japan TV: Typhoon presents “significant likelihood of natural disaster of a magnitude observed only once every few decades” — Around 500,000 households get instructions to evacuate — Waves over 30 feet high likely for Pacific coast (VIDEO).
    • Endless Fukushima catastrophe: Many generations’ health at stake
      RT News, 13th September 2013
      Bio-accumulation of radioactive elements around Fukushima will devastate many future Japanese generations, while the Pacific Ocean is also being contaminated by leaking radioactive water. Yet there is still no good solution from the Japanese government.

    Roundtable - Man's Genesis & The Future Direction of Humanity
    Red Ice Radio, 6th September 2013
    Robert Schoch (Geologist, Geophysicist, Author), Robert Bauval (Egyptologist, Author) Marie D Jones (Author, Researcher), Laird Scranton (Author, Researcher, Cosmologist), Micah Hanks (Author, Researcher, Futurist), Scotty Roberts (Author, Researcher, Publisher) and John Ward (Archaeologist) come together for a special roundtable. In the first hour, we discuss human civilizations of the past including their knowledge of natural cycles, messages within mythology, paralleling ancient mysteries and various human fossils. What can we learn from the past and what is our place in the universe? In the second hour, we go deeper to discuss the future direction of humanity and the current modern view of being separate from the natural world. Can a modern society, highly dependent on technology, integrate into the natural world? We'll discuss the modern notion of "progress" and how future technology may end humanity as we know it. Schoch reminds us that in the past, big extinctions have followed after a civilization has reached the peak of their evolution. We end on the idea of outside assistance both in the past and in the present.

    I could not resist commentating on this roundtable discussion for Red Ice members only. I have great respect for Henrik Palmgren at Red Ice Creations. In my opinion he is very bright with the ability to integrate huge amounts of information and come up with valid conclusions. In my opinion, solid Tier II. It is obvious to me that he realises humanity is sleepwalking to destruction and I sensed urgency at the start of this roundtable that I felt was not really related to the conference that was being touted. The first hour was not very good as there was too much pretentiousness about being 'priviledged' researchers, but the second half warmed up a bit when the discussion focused on the eradication of previous human species (hominids) and civilisations on this planet. We actually got some useful insights and intelligent comment, but the highlight for me was when someone mentioned the frustration of being part of a dumbed-down society. Henrik summed this up as the idiocracy scenario and stated clearly that we have to consider who exactly would be fit for evolution... [Hour 2, 35.40] Yes, that is right, someone half-suggested we are ripe for extinction because overall we are too stupid to be eligible for evolution and we are more likely to go extinct. Micah Hanks actually gave a nicer and more eloquent argument for various scenarios that included nature wiping us out. Ding dong! Actually, I think the real opinion amongst the group was that we risked erradicating ourselves due to our dependence on technology and in reality, only those tribes living close to the Earth would survive..... Well, have you seen the Fukushima news lately? The latest about the proposed 2020 Tokyo olympics being at the same time as the scheduled removal of melted reactor cores is totally insane... AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have “eaten through” concrete of containment vessels — Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo & Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat. The reports are now all about the Fukushima situation being completely out of control and no chance of recovering the situation because it is too late.... Endless Fukushima catastrophe: Many generations’ health at stake & Analysis: Prepare for Fukushima’s economic consequences, worst may be yet to come — Pay close attention to latest scientific data from plant, it could become even more tragic — Examine impact on rest of world. I am sure that many intelligentsia privately realise that societal support for psychopathic behaviour that often just looks like sheer idiocy will ensure the demise of humanity. The group of Oxford scholars pointing out the likelihood of our demise are among the few prepared to voice an opinion, see This is the end: Team of experts say humanity faces extinction. Well, for visionaries, the problem of the psychopathic idiocracy is very apparent, but quite frankly, it is something that has to be accepted and effort is required to insulate yourself against the worse of semi-humankind (savages). Personally, I don't think there is any solutions (besides knowing how the lowlife operate) and the solution is the problem will be dealt with by universal consciousness... Now that I have found the supporting scientific analysis, that I can combine with astrotheology, I am enlightened and feel somewhat relieved... I just wish I had been banged on the head 10 years ago and awoke to realise the impossible scenario of there being too many dumbed-down people... There is not much hope in the short term, but in the long term (a few hundred years), if there is no major natural disaster, the sperm count crisis will ensure a fresh start for humanity.

    'Ferrari of space' set to fall to Earth
    Phys.Org News, 12th September 2013
    A science satellite dubbed the "Ferrari of space" for its sleek, finned looks will shortly run out of fuel and fall to Earth after a successful mission, the European Space Agency (ESA) says.

    Launched in 2009, the satellite—a hi-tech craft designed to monitor gravity and ocean circulation—is likely to break up in mid-October, its mission manager told AFP on Wednesday.

    The Gravity Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) orbits at an extremely low altitude of just 260 kilometres (160 miles), where there are lingering molecules of atmosphere. [...]

    "We are facing the situation where the electrical propulsion system which keeps the spacecraft flying at this extremely low altitude will stop working somewhere between the end of September and the beginning of November—the best engineering prediction is in the middle, somewhere in the 16th or 17th October," he said.

    Most of the 5.3-metre (17.2-foot) spacecraft will break up and burn when it tumbles to an altitude of 75 to 80 kilometres, he said.

    According to re-entry analysis, about 250 kilos of its one-tonne mass will survive, hitting the surface in a trail of "between 40 and 50 fragments" extending over 900 kilometres, he said.

    I am apalled after all the chatter about space junk and the need to clean that this satellite will be falling back to Earth to become a possible major hazard...

    Move over Comet ISON. A new Comet Lovejoy has arrived
    Weather Underground, 11th September 2013
    Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy has discovered a new comet. The new Comet Lovejoy will occupy the same part of the sky as Comet ISON by November 2013.

    Many are anticipating the brightening of Comet ISON, which is now in Earth’s predawn sky, not far from the bright planets Jupiter and Mars, but too faint to see without telescopes and/or photographic equipment. [...]

    The new comet has been formally labeled as C/2013 R1 Lovejoy. Terry Lovejoy apparently used a relatively small 8-inch (20 cm) Schmidt-Cassegrain reflecting telescope to photograph the new comet for two nights, as this faint object was located on the sky’s dome in front of the border between our constellations Orion and Monoceros.

    Of course, the crazy cult hype has started to confuse those who are easy to dupe... I think this is a case of ignoring any source that is already known as a hoaxer especially the idiots who hyped up Comet Elenin.
    • Is Comet ISON a UFO? Hubble's scientists do a reality check
      NBC News, 6th September 2013

    • JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_September_05_2013.mp3, 5th September 2013

      I have no idea about the Comet ISON - Mercury encounter (mid November) that McCanney talks about here because that has nothing to do with the expected encounter with the Sun in late November when we might get a major flare... I suppose the issue is the timing of the electrical link between Comet ISON and the Sun.... This might be a lot earlier than the timing of its closest approach.... Anyway, I simply can't agree with everything McCanney says because he sometimes generalises too much and my research over the years related to space weather provides more details... For example, McCanney does not know that the United States is about to start manufacturing its own cheaper transformers – common sense under the circumstances – he never mentions that the United States military have already confessed that they will be crippled too by an EMP strike. He also fails to correct the misunderstanding of a July 2013 Carrington level CME that actually missed Earth by a week in July 2012... I only promote McCanney because he was right over 30 years ago about comets being electric and he has published research papers to prove it. He also cares about how people will survive if we get hit by another cosmic conflagration that we must realise have wiped out previous civilisations on this planet. McCanney is often way ahead of the curve and that is the primary reason I have great respect for him and his work.

    • NASA to Launch BRRISON to Edge of Atmosphere to View ISON Comet [Video]
      Guardian Express, 16th August 2013

    Strength of gravity shifts – and this time it's serious
    New Scientist, 11th September 2013
    Did gravity, the force that pins us to Earth's surface and holds stars together, just shift? Maybe, just maybe. The latest measurement of G, the so-called constant that puts a figure on the gravitational attraction between two objects, has come up higher than the current official value.

    Measurements of G are notoriously unreliable, so the constant is in permanent flux and the official value is an average. However, the recent deviation is particularly puzzling, as it is at once starkly different to the official value and yet very similar to a measurement made back in 2001, not what you would expect if the discrepancy was due to random experimental errors. [...]

    "Logically, either some of the experiments are wrong, or G is not constant," says Mark Kasevich of Stanford University.

    An oscillating G could be evidence for a particular theory that relates dark energy to a fifth, hypothetical fundamental force, in addition to the four we know – gravity, electromagnetism, and the two nuclear forces. This force might also cause the strength of gravity to oscillate, says Padilla. "This result is indeed very intriguing."

    A further, less radical option is that G is still a constant but that Quinn's team has hit upon its true value. That would mean the actual value of G is higher than the official figure, which is interesting in itself, says cosmologist Clare Burrage of Nottingham University.

    Despite the fact that some scientists don't believe gravity exists and even though opinion varies,the belief is that scientists are instead measuring some side effect we call gravity associated with more fundamental forces. Well, I still wrote about why we should expect gravity fluctuations and even a permanent gravity shift due to the changing flux of dark matter in my essay The Greatest Transition (June, 2010). I think there is now enough new scientific missions and an assortment of new announcements (see archives) that imply that spacetime is changing and our reality is being affected. The most relevant new announcement is the discovery of positrons, see A Whiff of Dark Matter on the ISS (April 2013) by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a particle detector operating onboard the International Space Station. This discovery of the antimatter equivalent of electrons sent shock waves through the scientific community.... Well, due to all the hints and tips for those who are clever enough to decipher the news, I believe Tier I scientists already know that spacetime is changing. The existence of fluctuating dark matter causing gravity to vary does not rule out another possibility of pulsars delivering new matter but either way, the basis of our reality and therefore something fundamental is changing.

    Scientists claim to have found evidence of ALIEN LIFE: Balloon sent to edge of atmosphere picks up organisms ‘that can only have come from space’
    Daily Mail, 10th September 2013
    * Scientists found algae after sending a balloon into the stratosphere
    * Claim the algae could only have come from space or a volcanic eruption
    * This could provide evidence that the 'seeds of life' exist all over the Universe and travel from one planet to another via meteors

    British scientists believe they have found evidence alien life after sending a balloon to the edge of space. The team of scientists sent a balloon 27km into the stratosphere and captured small biological organisms they say can only have come from space. The group, headed up by astrobiologist Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, claims the 'seeds of life' have been transported between planets by passing meteors.

    Obviously this is mainstream news but there is a lot more information available for those who have a real interest in the subject. Whatever, it is important to understand the implications as our solar system and Earth is now experiencing a new flood of asteroids and comets. The changes being observed imply that there is a new and distinctly different stream of galactic energy that may be carrying new ingredients to make different viruses and bacteria etc etc. There is already plenty of recent examples of 'red rain' and cosmic gunk splattering Earth to substantiate this view as well as the constant rain of meteors hitting the top of Earth's atmosphere or even passing through and breaking up in the atmosphere.... Anyway, astrobiologist Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, is a well known heretic who refuses to shut up about the seeds of life being ubiquitous in the universe. He is a real truth seeker and his views are a problem for world controllers desperate to keep sheeple ignorant about the possibility of alternative forms of life. For more info see archives Best of the Blog The Search For Extraterrestrial Life.

    The Law of Attraction is the New Age version of the Surveillance State
    Jon Rappoport, 8th September 2013
    The so-called law of attraction: like attracts like. If you’re thinking about good outcomes, that’s what you get. If you’re thinking about negative outcomes, you get those. Positive thoughts=positive things happen for you. Negative thoughts=negative things happen for you.

    A few New Age prophets even go so far as this: we’re entering a whole new era, in which whatever you think will instantly manifest itself in the world; therefore, negative thoughts are dangerous; only those people who have purified themselves to the point where they’re exclusively thinking positive thoughts will make it through into paradise. The rest will be left behind to suffer.

    Hmmm... After reading George Orwells's 1984 as more background reading whilst writing my long essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011), I came to the conclusion that the New Age movement was a clever implementation of the Big Brother state. It seems to work very well with psychopaths who have no problem gathering together the most weak minded who are easy to control. I think 'wolves in sheeps clothing' have always been an issue for seekers, but in the United States, the wolves were handed 'honed' tools for control from the academic community, derived from studying Chinese prisoners of war and then set loose. Based on the evidence, anybody associated with the Esalen Institute is suspect. New Wage criminals are now involved in big gangs in which Big Names endorse each other and because there is very little comprehension that the Dark Lords are working at the level of the unconscious to control their victims, they are getting away with the some real evil. Every now and them, one of these Big Names is outted as a Big Liar or Big Fraud or even a killer, but naive brainwashed New Agers prefer to overlook criminal behaviour. The worse thing about all this is the lack of interest in helping genuine truth seekers, but as I have stated many times, crap sells. Anyway, it is my opinion that the 'Rage Against the New Age Machine' is only just getting started, but momentum is building.... The fight will be long and hard....Personally, I would be interested in finding intelligent people who have already worked out why the New Age movement promotes any bullshit that will provoke spiritual devolution and are interested in helping genuine seekers steer clear of the many pitfalls in the Cultic milieu. Morons are advised to steer clear of me.

    Alabama Radio Station’s Alien Invasion Spoof Causes Mass Panic
    Black Listed News, 8th September 2013
    Just goes to show just how easy it is for the media to spook programmed sheeple....

    Blackout, New on Channel 4 9pm, Mon 9 Sept 2013
    Ch4 News, September 2013
    Feature-length 'What-If' drama exploring the effects of a devastating cyber-attack on Britain's national electricity grid. Based on expert advice and meticulous research, Blackout combines real user-generated footage, alongside fictional scenes, CCTV archive and news reports to build a terrifyingly realistic account of Britain being plunged into darkness.

    The film plots the days following a nationwide power cut, as experienced by a cast of ordinary characters struggling to feed and protect themselves and their families. These eyewitness accounts reveal the disastrous impact of a prolonged blackout on hospitals, law and order, transport, and our food and water supplies.

    The programme casts members of the public from user-generated footage, weaving real-life archive with scripted drama to tell the story of how Britain could descend into chaos and anarchy without power.

    10th Septemmber 2013: I watched this 'What-If' drama and it was totally realistic in depicting the hoardes of clueless, superficial and trite living on the edge of anarchy at the best of times... There was absolutely nothing to argue about, the drama was realistically terrifying, terrifying and terrifying. Actually, the cause of the blackout explained as an act of warfare EMP event by enemies is obviously an excuse to get government and military support for funding and actions, because we know in reality, that only space weather could deliver this type of knockout blow. I have seen no claims that a Carrington level Category 5 geomagnetic storm could burn out the whole national UK grid at the same time, BUT engineers have stated that this could happen in the United States due to their poorly maintained antiquated system... The United States is a super power with super weapons but no decent knickers basic infrastructure.... The chickens are surely coming home to roost for a nation with an ethos of greed.

    James Ray withdraws appeal of negligent homicide conviction
    Daily Courier, 6th September 2013
    Just weeks after his release from prison, James Arthur Ray, the self-help speaker and author who was convicted of negligent homicide over the deaths of three people at a sweat lodge ceremony he conducted in October 2009 near Sedona, has withdrawn his appeal of that conviction.

    In documents filed with the Arizona Court of Appeals Thursday, Ray, 55, signed an affidavit stating that he wishes to "avoid any possibility of a retrial and a resentencing." He further states that he is "fully satisfied with my counsel's handling of the appeal and cross-appeal."

    Some good news for those of us who have been enlightened by how New Age scammers operate.... I am sure Oprah will be thrilled that she has been exposed as either completely clueless or in bed with scammers because she has promoted quite a few..... Well, whatever happens next, there are still plenty of people watching James Ray... Unfortunately, since too many New Age so-called 'spiritual' leaders are sticking together to cover up the deception, many people remain clueless about how these scammers work. Hence, I am sure eight-grader James Ray will try to continue his con in a toned down manner even without the support of others who don't want to be associated, but are operating in exactly the same deceptive way. For those who are interested, the secret of 'The Secret' is no longer so secret these days and we can thank James Ray for that.... Btw, Oprah and her eight-grader friends can kiss my arse as well as the rest of the Big Name New Age frauds.

    Update: I found this over at the Salty Droid website with some interesting info on the Scientology influence on James Ray who we know was a scientologist at some stage.

    I’ve just found this eloquent destruction of James Arthur Ray by David Brear. It was posted on Shyam Sundar’s Corporate Frauds Watch Blog in the fall of 2011.

    Warning, ‘MLM Self-Betterment Guru,’ James Arthur Ray, Kills !

    Shyam, I thought that your free-thinking readers might be interested to learn that a self-styled ‘Self Betterment’ guru, previously linked to ‘Amway’ and ‘Herbalife,’ is currently awaiting sentencing in Arizona after having been found innocent of manslaughter, but convicted of the ‘negligent homicide’ of three of his followers.

    In reality, in the Autumn of 2009, James Arthur Ray (b. 1957) persuaded 50 adults to give him payments of up to $10 000 each. In return, he lured them to a remote ‘Retreat Center’ where, for 7 days, he planned to subject them to a barrage of potentially-lethal, co-ordinated, devious techniques of social, psychological and physical persuasion, designed to shut-down individuals’ critical and evaluative faculties, but without their fully-informed consent. However, Mr. Ray has been running this frighteningly-familiar, blame-the-victim, advance fee fraud for many years, and he has apparently made millions of dollars out of it. He seems to got many of his unoriginal ideas from L. Ron Hubbard’s ‘Scientology’ scam. Amongst his many published lies, Hubbard claimed to have lived amongst the Blackfoot Indians as a small boy after WWI and during the early 1920s, and to have been initiated into the secret medicine of the tribe. Hubbard began peddling what he described as ‘Purification Rundown’ to his ‘Scientology’ adherents in the 1950s. This comprised a progressively-expensive program of intense fasting and sauna baths which Hubbard claimed could remove negativity (in the form of invisible extra-terrestrial creatures) from the human mind and body, and enable ‘Scientologists’ to transform into superior human beings, physically and intellectually.

    In brief, exactly like L. Ron Hubbard, James Ray (who has appeared on US network television and who features on the New York Times Best-Sellers List) has also steadfastly pretended that he possesses a secret ‘spiritual/scientific’ knowledge which can help anyone to achieve whatever it is that he/she most desires from life, and that (for a price) he is prepared to share this exclusive wisdom.

    Using a typically-hypnotic cocktail of pseudo-scientific/’New Age Religious’ bullshit (partly plagiarized from traditional Native American beliefs), Mr. Ray (the son of a preacher) persuaded his Arizona victims to stop eating for several days and to enter a ‘sweat lodge’ (i.e. a form of rudimentary sauna bath comprising a tent structure in which water is turned to steam by pouring it over a pile of rocks which have been previously heated in a bonfire). Whilst Mr. Ray continued to perform what he arbitrarily defined as a ‘purification ceremony,’ more than 20 of his starving, would-be ‘Spiritual Warriors,’ began to exhibit the symptoms of dehydration and kidney failure.

    Kirby Brown (aged 38), James Shore (aged 40) and Liz Neuman (aged 49) died, whilst 18 others were hospitalized.

    In the introduction to his best-selling comic-books, Mr. Ray boasts that he has worked as a self-betterment consultant to many famous companies, including ‘Amway’ and Herbalife.’

    Mysteriously, James Arthur Ray has (so far) not been charged with fraud, or with racketeering, by US federal or Arizona State prosecutors, but presumably his surviving victims will be filing a civil action.

    Predictably, Mr. Ray says that, after sentencing, he will file an appeal against his recent conviction. His attorneys continue to describe Mr. Ray’s highly-organized crime in Arizona as ‘a tragic accident.’

    David Brear (copyright 2011)

    • James Arthur Ray Is Guilty: The Full Story Of The Sedona Sweat Box Deaths
      Anorak, 23rd June 2011
      The James Arthur Ray Sedona sweat lodge story rumbles on. This week, Larry King meets the relatives of Kirby Brown, one of the three who died in the James Ray sweat lodge…

      WHAT makes the situation interesting is the fact that the “Larry King Live” executive producer is known to have had a business relationship with Ray in the past, reportedly. Apparently, the producer was so taken with the philosophy of “The Secret,” that she focused at least two episodes of King’s show on the subject, and personally booked James Arthur Ray as a guest.

      But wait. There’s more. Around the time Ray last appeared on “LKL,” King’s producer was shopping him to a Hollywood production company to host Ray’s own syndicated show based on “The Secret.” Her efforts to pitch Ray were unsuccessful, in part due to the fact that Oprah Winfrey sent word to Ray that she was interested in building a show around him and his teachings.

      Ray quickly abandoned King’s producer for Winfrey’s people – but talks with the Big “O” eventually broke off, leaving him out in the cold. So the question is: Will King go easy on Ray’s actions during Monday’s show… or will he be out for blood?

      I don't know how the hell I missed this but it looks like the Queen of New Age cultiness Oprah, narrowly dodged a bullet with James Ray.... Can you imagine that Oprah Winfrey and Larry King were fighting over this big LGAT fraud who thinks it's OK to kill people and carry on searching for more victims? Thankfully the State of Arizona did not think charging for killing and injuring people was such a great business plan... Seriously, the mind boggles!

    A Change Is in the (Interstellar) Wind
    Science Magazine News, 5th September 2013
    As Earth and the other planets orbit the sun, the solar system itself travels through space. Its slow journey is taking it though a wispy expanse of gas called the Local Interstellar Cloud. Now, astronomers have discovered signs of potential turbulence in the cloud, indicated by a shift in direction of helium atoms that flow into the solar system. If the shift is real and continues for hundreds to thousands of years—a dicey extrapolation—it could be a harbinger of more dramatic changes in our solar system, notes study co-author David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio.

    The finding, which McComas, Priscilla Frisch of the University of Chicago, and their colleagues report in the 6 September issue of Science, could foreshadow a change in the heliosphere, the vast bubble that shields the solar system from harmful cosmic rays. The heliosphere consists of charged particles blown out by the sun in the so-called solar wind. The size and shape of the heliosphere depends on the balance between the outward push of the solar wind and the inward pressure from gas in the Local Interstellar Cloud—the interstellar wind.

    This change has been taking place for decades... Whatever, this is a major deal for the citizens of this planet as the cosmic environment will continue to become more hostile. For most, it will slowly become more obvious as electronics continue to become more unreliable and our modern technological world is forced to cope with the cosmic challenges. See the Joyfire intersellar 'etheric' cloud index for more background info and click the image icon for a larger image.

    [Yet Another] Glitch hits Nasdaq system at center of trading outage
    Reuters, 5th September 2013

    No Images of Comet ISON from Deep Impact/EPOXI Spacecraft Due to Communication Loss
    Universe Today, 4th September 2013
    Obviously, the Deep Impact probe got too close and was "zapped" by the highly electrical Comet ISON as other reports state it is now spinning out of control... This is something that has happened before when various space probes have got too close to highly electrical comets.... the best example was Comet Tempel 1 that also knocked out the same Deep Impact probe in July 2005. I am sure Electric Universe theorists are laughing to themselves again over this latest repeat...

    What Is This? Mysterious Amazon Web Baffles Scientists |
    LiveScience, 4th September 2013

    Scientists baffled to discover that Venus’ spin is slowing down
    Tallbroke's Talkshop, 2nd September 2013

    Blackout, New on Channel 4 9pm, Mon 9 Sept 2013
    Ch4 News, September 2013
    Feature-length 'What-If' drama exploring the effects of a devastating cyber-attack on Britain's national electricity grid.

    Based on expert advice and meticulous research, Blackout combines real user-generated footage, alongside fictional scenes, CCTV archive and news reports to build a terrifyingly realistic account of Britain being plunged into darkness.

    The film plots the days following a nationwide power cut, as experienced by a cast of ordinary characters struggling to feed and protect themselves and their families. These eyewitness accounts reveal the disastrous impact of a prolonged blackout on hospitals, law and order, transport, and our food and water supplies.

    The programme casts members of the public from user-generated footage, weaving real-life archive with scripted drama to tell the story of how Britain could descend into chaos and anarchy without power.

    A message for those who have ears to hear.... For many who want to watch UK TV outside of the UK, here are some links I found:

    HSBC customers hit by IT glitch
    Branch and telephone banking systems crashed over the weekend, with reports of problems online today. News, 2nd September 2013
    HSBC customers are having difficulty accessing banking services after a weekend of disruption that saw the bank’s computer systems fail. HSBC’s in-branch IT systems went down on Saturday, leaving customers unable to access banking services such as opening new accounts, applying for loans or transferring funds in branch.

    Customers were also unable to access telephone banking services for several hours. The technical glitches did not appear to be fully resolved this morning, with some users having trouble accessing HSBC’s website. A holding page said: “We are sorry that our website is currently unavailable, please try again later”. An HSBC spokesman said the bank had an "internal browser issue" on Saturday that caused the disruption.

    Bank computer systems are getting hit again and again and again... but how many are getting the message?

    Baffled boffins 'closer' to finding origins of extragalactic COSMIC RAYS Uberbeams zap forth from deepest darkest space, says Delaware physicist
    The Register, 2nd September 2013
    Scientists at the South Pole have moved a step closer to figuring out the origin point of the cosmic rays which can damage electronics on Earth and zap astronauts in space.

    The origin of the high-energy particles has been baffling boffins for decades, but the latest study, which uses data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, has uncovered new information about the rays at the level where Milky Way particles transition to extragalactic cosmic rays.

    In our universe, cosmic rays are known to reach energies over 100 billion giga-electron volts (10นน GeV). The latest study covers the energy range from 1.6 times 106 GeV to 10? GeV, which is the interval where the transition from the rays in our galaxy to those produced outside is expected to occur.

    Note the issue pointed out clearly here is the destruction of electronics...

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    Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

    “Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

    “We are all astronauts now!”

    Tuning The Diamonds,
    September 2006

    “We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

    Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

    “Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

    News of the Imbalance,
    April 2007

    NASA Press Release:

    “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

    “We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
    NASA News, 4th June 2010

    White House Executive Order:

    “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

    Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
    The White House, 13th October 2016

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